Mun-Directed Questions About Roleplaying!

  1. If you had to change your character’s FC for one day, who would you pick?
  2. What drew you to rping this character?
  3. What’s something you like about how you write?
  4. What’s something you dislike about how you write or wish you were better at?
  5. What’s something about your character that you’d like if you had to spend time with them?
  6. What’s something about your character that you wouldn’t like if you had to spend time with them?
  7. What’s a negative thing about your character that you enjoy writing?
  8. What;s a similarly you have with your character?
  9. What’s a difference you have with your character?
  10. What’s the hardest thing for you to write?
  11. Do you think you’ve gotten better at writing anything or any type of thing or situation since you started writing this character (or roleplaying in general)? 
  12. Why do you roleplay?
  13. Do you write fiction ever other than rping?
  14. Do you like fanfiction more or less than reading rp threads between characters?
  15. Do you like or dislike OC/Canon character interactions in principle?
  16. What’s your favorite thing about rping a canon character?
  17. What’s something you dislike about rping a canon character?
  18. What’s your favorite thing about rping an original character?
  19. What’s something you dislike about rping an original character?
  20. How much time do you spend roleplaying on average a week?
  21. Do you think about your threads and your character when you aren’t roleplaying? How and for how long on average?
  22. Do you like lots of headcanons or few?
  23. What’s your take on AUs?
  24. What’s your favorite AU?
  25. What’s your least favorite AU?
  26. What’s a ship you really like rping?
  27. What’s a ship you would never rp? For what reason? 
  28. What do you like about roleplaying angst?
  29. What do you dislike about roleplaying angst?
  30. What do you like about roleplaying fluff?
  31. What do you dislike about roleplaying fluff?
  32. What do you like about roleplaying ships/romance?
  33. What do you dislike about roleplaying ships/romance?
  34. NSFW rp — yes or no? Why?
  35. Do you ever read other people’s NSFW rp threads? (be honest!)
  36. Do you ever read rp threads you aren’t involved in? What type of thread does it usually have to be to interest you?
  37. If you do read threads you aren’t in, do you usually let the other authors know, or keep it under your hat?
  38. Has a roleplayer ever changed your view on a character? If so, how? Good or bad? For better or for worse?
  39. Do you like to title threads or not? 
  40. Do you like to plot or improv?
  41. Do you like to make open starters?
  42. Do you like to answer open starters?
  43. Do you usually prefer chat/short replies, or long/para/novella replies?
  44. What’s your favorite thing about rping a chat/short style thread?
  45. What’s your least favorite thing about rping a chat/short style thread?
  46. What’s your favorite thing about rping a long/para/novella style thread?
  47. What’s your least favorite thing about rping a long/para/novella style thread?
  48. Do you prefer gifs or icons when roleplaying? Or no FC at all?
  49. Do you roleplay with people whose characters aren’t from the same dimentional universe as yours? (For example, if your character is drawn or anime, will you RP with people who use actor face claims/play-bys?) 
  50. What’s something you like about FCs/Play-Bys?
  51. What’s something you dislike about FCs/Play-Bys?
  52. What’s a trope or plot you think is overdone in roleplay?
  53. What’s a trope or plot you’ll never get sick of roleplaying?
  54. What’s a trope or plot you love but you’ve never gotten to roleplay or never gotten to roleplay in completion? 
  55. What do you like to do as you reply to threads? Listen to music? Have TV on? Complete silence? Dark room? etc. 
  56. How did you learn about roleplaying? How did you get started roleplaying yourself? 
  57. What was your first roleplay character? 
  58. What’s your newest roleplay character?
  59. What/Who is a character you think you would like to roleplay? What’s currently stopping you from roleplaying them?
  60. Who’s a roleplayer (or writer) you think you have learned a lot from? 



