


Little legs swung happily in her lap, head tilting upwards
to look at her, an expression of what would look like a
joyful one, if well, he could give an expression.

                           ”Can you tell me a story, kupo?”

“Sure!” Chuami replied, resting a hand on the creature’s head. She still hadn’t figured out what it was, but she wasn’t sure that she minded anyway.
“What kinda stories do you like?”


sovereign-chuami liked your post”

[Attached note: “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil, for I am a bigger badass than anything the valley could possibly spit out. 🙂 For some reason these made me think of you, and I may have snuck a peek at your other heels to get the size right. Merry Christmas Choo! ♥Penpen”]

"Is this…? OH. SWEET. YEVON. WHAT. These are– this is– okay, I know I said no heels at family gatherings but I’m putting these on and no one will see them under my dress, sorry but some promises are made to be broken. This is me. In shoe form.”




      couldn’t keep  me out                  

                         ɪ ᴅᴏɴ’ᴛ ᴡᴀɴᴛ ʏᴏᴜʀ мσney
                         ɪ ᴅᴏɴ’ᴛ ᴡᴀɴᴛ ʏᴏᴜʀ cяown

      see i’ve come to burn


[outofammo] far too embarrassed to post this out of a cut so…

While I was making the music box tracks last night, I remembered one track that was already music-boxy – Dancing Calcabrina from 4. That boss was pretty cool, I mean, it was really underrated. Creepy puppet dancing dolls with their own boss music yes. I wiki’d them and found that Calca is a boy and Brina is a girl – my copy of anthology shows them all as androgynous purple dolls, so I didn’t know that. Then one thing led to another and suddenly I had a Chuami villain au on my hands. 

“I should be home by now. Someone will come for me.”
But they didn’t. Isa’s dig was cancelled; he was home when she washed ashore after what felt like years of displacement between living and dead. She was five. I imagine she suffered a few more “deaths” in the first day alone, but since she can’t stop getting back on her feet even if she wanted to… 
“Get to Bevelle.”
With no other option or idea, she would have. The crossing would have taken a long, long time. I wouldn’t be surprised if she were a lot older in this universe than in her normal one. 
She was still naturally skilled in customisation, but with no guidance, what would a little girl make but company?
Her arrival in Bevelle went as well as could be expected. If she tried, I’m sure she could have turned back from insanity even then, but what would be the point? Her mother dead,
her dead, her father gone and insistent on rejecting her, and trailing behind her are years of dying over and over again while she learned to take care of herself. Killed by fiends, poisoned eating the wrong plants, you name it, and she’s never even heard of Guadosalam… though I’m not sure she’d enter the Farplane even if she had.
A couple of years later, as word gets out that Auron is still alive after Yuna’s victory, the sphere network goes down. Communication is made near impossible. The interference comes from a small, deserted island to the north. 

Calca and Brina have been retired. They sit on Chuami’s shelf, watching her as she paints her new dolls, battle worthy replacements. 
They bear an eerie resemblance to two real people. She openly claims to have killed Yuna and pulled hers and Braska’s pyreflies from the Farplane herself to create these two new puppets. She says it not because it’s true, but because she knows nothing will anger him more. Unable to find Yuna, his only course of action will be to go to her himself. She’s sure of her victory. It’s a matter of course to her. Yevon has a plan for us all…

“And then we’ll fix it, won’t we? We’ll send him back to the Farplane, because that must be what we’re here to do…”

[timeline scrap – sovereign’s history, and why does she keep giving her products away for free?]

When Chuami was twelve, the gang of sin-orphans she tagged around with started to think of their futures. What did they want for themselves? How were they going to be useful to their society?

Many of them went into exploration and guard positions, starting out on salvage ships and on recon teams to make the post of their pre-existing physical ability. Little Chuami didn’t have this, but she wanted to fight with the boys – and this is why Isa taught her to shoot.

“If you have your guns, your strength hardly matters,” he said, “You should always have a backup plan, but you’ll fight as well as the others while you have these.”

The small pistol she was gifted was old and though it was light and easy for her young hands to handle, she was even then a perfectionist, pushing herself to do better, hit harder, aim truer. She was already dabbling in customising weapons, but it wasn’t until she began to design Vega that she had an idea – “this is my thing, this is what I can do”.

Isa laughed at her initial designs, calling the guns “ridiculous”. He was right; her first drawings were almost comically oversized. She insisted it was necessary for the type of ammunition she wanted to use. In the end, though it took time and tears, Vega was finished. A gun with a barrel the size of her skinny forearm that fired 50 caliber bullets loaded with synthesised black magic. The first time Isa fired one of the set, he thought he broke his wrist; and Chuami, now overtaking her master in skill, laughed at him.

After finishing Vega, she started work on various items for people in her settlement, and word got out that the weird girl at Isa’s house was putting out real quality. From there, it was a simple task to start taking money for what she made, and using that to hire Sacha and Byron into a life that would keep them safe. Vena, Chuami’s media alter ego, pushed their brand into something entirely new, and before they knew it, they were selling life preservers as fashion accessories.

With this sudden, Spira-wide presence came, not only more money than they knew what to do with, but also the realisation that at some point, everyone was going to at least consider buying Sovereign; including Yuna’s guardians. This pushed Chuami to do as well as possible, to perfect everything that was put out, but rather than simply inspire her, the thought intimidated her. Was anything actually good enough for him?

With money no longer much of a concern for her – as it never really was to start with – Chuami began to spend her time making things for people she knew at no charge. It was therapy for her (she’ll be the first to admit she’s highly strung and needs somewhere to channel her energy), but it also gave her a sense of satisfaction at handing someone she liked something that would protect them. Ingrained into her was the Al Bhed belief that if something isn’t useful and it doesn’t hold meaning to you, then it’s dead weight – so giving things away was never something she thought twice about. With every freely given weapon or armour piece, Chuami feels her skills are improved, and that one day, she might just feel confident enough in her ability to send something to her favourite guardian.

[timeline scrap – sovereign’s history, and why does she keep giving her products away for free?]