(ง •̀_•́)ง (would destory your malnutritioned tiny body body)


  Jump – miss – jump – miss – jump… this time, she gets a hand on his shoulder, but it’s not enough to help her reach the bag in his hand.

  “I said you could have like ONE, not the WHOLE BAG. Do you–” jump – miss “– understand how rare it is that I share candy?! I trusted you. That’s it, it’s a fight. Come on, bring it, eggplant, RIGHT here, LET’S GO–”

(ง •̀_•́)ง (would destory your malnutritioned tiny body body)


Give me a character and I will answer:

Why I like them: 10/10 small birdlike girl with big stick, can and will beat your ass, who’s ready for the Farplane
Why I don’t: Can’t think of any reason not to like her! 
Favorite scene: The Kilika sending, it is the most beautiful thing. This in HD… yes.
Favorite line: “My father… my father wanted… to make Spira’s sorrow go away. Not just cover it up with lies!” <– She FINALLY dunks everyone who has been telling her what Braska wants from her, as if they know better than she does. I only wish she’d batted a few of them Isaaru clean outta Spira at the same time. I feel like that’s where you start to see her not taking people’s shit anymore.
Favorite outfit: I like her Gun Mage dressphere, but her original summoner outfit is nostalgia. 
OTP: Kurgum OMG NO. Tidus, ofc.
Brotp: Yuna/Rikku. Rikku brings her out of herself a bit.
Head Canon: (I don’t got any oop)
Unpopular opinion: I don’t think I have any?
A wish: That everyone could experience break damage limit, max strength Yuna. Whacking stuff with her stick and straight up murdering them.
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: The entire novella. And audiodrama.
5 words to best describe them
My nickname for them

I can’t really do the Caius one, I don’t know enough about him to fill this out D:


normal people way: “Makes moves and dates your older or younger sister/brother.” Chuami way: “Makes moves and dates your Father/ Father Figure.”

//[bakura voice] AHAHA, Caius, you have activated my trap card: Wall of Text!! When this card switches to attack mode, all enemy monsters on the field get eyestrain.

And by that I mean I’m gonna go ahead and use this as an excuse to talk about the thing–

It’s not actually that weird, like, at all, imo!
In SP’s main verse, Braska returned the same way people do in Will (disclaimer: Will is convenient garbage), so he hasn’t been Unsent for all that time, he’s been dead. Proper dead. Like, evrae after the second ass kicking dead. So, he pops back still 26 (only 3-4 years older than her). She didn’t know Yuna and had only met Auron once and passed a couple of words with him when Braska showed up, so there’s her initial connection with him was made as a stranger, not as Yuna’s dad, or Auron’s friend. I mentioned to you once that she likes people with stories to tell, so it was natural to her to ignore the high summoner title as well, so she could get an idea of what the person was like.

I really don’t think enough people do that for poor b-chan, he’s rarely treated like a normal guy, it’s always with reverence and awe, so is it reaaally that weird that he’d like her right off the bat, when she didn’t do that? He repaid her by not taking her at face value either, he was the only one to have faith in her and not write her off as just arrogance and pushiness. 

Part the reason they work so well is because both of them bring out hidden elements of the other’s personalities. Example: Braska can come across as reserved and he’s generally perceived to be this spotless, priest-like figure, like his own statue has come to life; and people rarely seem to look beneath that. Chu does, she’s grossly invasive, actually, and through that she manages to drag out the troublemaker in him. She is the loud, annoying one, and the fact he doesn’t mind and doesn’t rise to it or give her cause to keep that front up means she doesn’t bother with it and is so much more chill with him. 

But how do you know all this, Chu-mun?! I hear you cry in outrage, None of this has happened on my dash!
No, my petals, because it hasn’t been in publicly viewable RPs. This pair of losers aren’t secretive about their relationship, but they are private unless directly asked about it, and I actually quite like that a lot of their stuff is invisible – you can still see hints of what they’re like together in the threads and posts that can be seen, and I think that’s a really good equivalent to their lack of PDAs. Having said that… we’re planning a public feels trip.

I THINK WHAT I’M TRYING TO SAY IS, Braska isn’t a father, family friend or high summoner to Chu, he’s just Braska. I totally understand that other people react like WHOAH and it’s hilarious OMG so don’t think I’m saying UM PLS ACCEPT THIS WITHOUT QUESTION where would the fun be in that but I hope this explains why they’re so weirdly calm about the whole thing???? 
I don’t think Chu has really let it sink in that people are whispering stepmom and if she did, she’d reach for the nearest bottle and forget allll about it, not because Yuna sucks or anything but because she has a lowkey-but-real fear of being perceived as an intruder of some kind. 


normal people way: “Makes moves and dates your older or younger sister/brother.” Chuami way: “Makes moves and dates your Father/ Father Figure.”

BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award, you’re supposed to paste it in the ask of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it’s sweet to know someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out.

//I am pretty okay aren’t I

I’m so kidding omg thank u purple man!! I don’t get these much so !11 ❤

BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award, you’re supposed to paste it in the ask of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it’s sweet to know someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out.




⊰ ✥ ⊱ ——  ❝It is unusual for you for your presence to be here, so i ask you, what is it that you want?❞

“Good question.” she replied, half smiling and still staring ahead as she leaned against the wall.

Was it that obvious that she didn’t belong here? Could they sense the heathen on her? Hmph. 

She kept her eyes fixed on the statues of previous summoners that were arranged before her. 

“What do you want?”