

“Ah, the sandworm awakens.” He leaned back, crossing his arms and managing not to elbow Braska in the process. “My mistake – I saw the way you jumped and spun, then retreated to the other corner of the room, as surprise. Forgive my my false impression of your reaction.”

He’d more or less given up on trying to stop her from calling him papa bear. Every rebuke only seemed to make her more determined. And by this point it wasn’t at all Chuami trying to uphold her claim, but more… an affectionate nickname than anything else.

He flicked her on the forehead in retaliation nonetheless. “I appreciate your concern. Believe me, I know the value of delegation -” Even if I don’t actually do it much. “- I simply prefer to take care of things myself.”

[ 大召喚士 ]

          “Chuami, that’s not entirely fair. He’s been known to take advice on occasion.
               How do you think he became so skilled at making tea?

Though he had been speaking to Chuami with his reply, Braska had made a point to look instead at Auron. If he tone hadn’t given him away, his expression certain had. He’d wanted the man to see just how pleased he was with his clever response. After he’d flashed a quick grin, he turned back to her, resuming an air of faux seriousness, though a small smile broke through after he noted indeed how sleepy she looked. She had been asleep at some point, that was certain, even if it hadn’t been since the two of them had sat down with her. Auron’s flick of her forehead made him laugh and he quickly jumped in to speak before she had a chance to respond.

          “That sounds a bit like someone else I know. Any ideas?

He made sure, this time, that he found Chuami’s eyes, sporting that same playful expression.

          “Perhaps you too should take your own advice sometime…
               Though, who am I to talk, really? I’d say we’re all terribly guilty here.

  When Braska spoke, Chuami was still scowling at Auron, and it was him she spoke to first, tilting her head at the door as she did.

  “You wanna take this outside, big guy? Huh? Noooo, I didn’t think so. Any time, bro. Any time. You won’t get the drop on me again.”

  She laughed and drew her knees up to her chin, yawned and made another half hearted attempt to smooth her hair down.

  “I guess you’re right, bluebird. We kind of all suck at that, don’t we…?”

  She was silent for a moment, her face growing wide-eyed and solemn. Looking at each of them in turn, she sighed and gave them encouraging smiles.

  “It’s so great that we have this support group going. Does anyone want to knit? Talk about their husbands, perhaps?”

Chuami + Seymour

js I’m gonna push you into the calm lands gorge I know who you are and I know where you…r muse lives
Note: this is not in any relation to personifiedsin’s seymour, PLS PEOPLE

Send me a ship and I’ll tell you:

  • who the fuck put the peeps in the microwave: Seymour, he released them from their suffering. I’m totally kidding, Chu did it, and once they were comfortable enough with each other, she would make jokes like that
  • who forgot to put the cat outside before sex: I can’t see these two having a pet. This would be some emotionally draining, intense thing. I just can’t see them being domestic enough for pets.
  • who posts vines of the other doing embarrassing shit: Chu would post videos of herself doing shit that embarrassed Seymour like idk a 00:04 video of her in awe of his nail polish collection
  • who breaks the most phones: Chu. Still throwin’ em. This is why she does phone meetings. She’d punch them if she had to listen to their downward haggling in person.
  • who dies first: Neither. These two would be a force of nature. Til one of them lost it, most likely. If it were Chu, Seymour would follow along in the blind hope she’d recover, but he wouldn’t be disturbed by any resulting devastation. If it were Seymour, they’d end up falling apart and hunting each other, because Chu isn’t a saint, but she won’t watch someone destroy the world her “father” died to protect even if that was, in turn, for someone else
  • which one I could see as being lactose intollerant: both of them like [bitch please, death couldn’t claim me and you think dairy is gonna go hard enough?]
  • who thinks they can do something really well even though they can’t: Seymour thinks he’s really good at solving Spira’s problems and he just isn’t, he kind of sucks, actually, he kind of just leaves a trail of death and despair. But hey ho, you keep on trying til you run out of cake.
  • who is more likely to get kicked out of the bed: Seymour has more chill, so Chu.
  • who uses the computer most: Chu if I had to pick one, but neither much.
Chuami + Seymour