1 & 9!

1. of the fic you’ve written, which are you most proud of?

On here? This one. Which… I don’t know, but I spent a really long time on that right there and even crimson-legend, Archduke of Pain, was like “… ow”.
So. Proud.

9. a passage from a WIP

Look, I’m really sorry, but I only have one WIP so you’re gonna have to just deal with this because I don’t have any other options unless you want me to go off-blog and retrieve something totally RP irrelevant. 

“ … 

She rewarded him with a purr and a prolonged kiss that ended with her teeth gently grazing his lip. Leaning away, she flicked the switch on the lamp at their side; the room was plunged into darkness, save for the slanting moonlight from the window that reached just far enough to make the beads in Chuami’s hair flash in reflection. As her eyes adjusted to the dark, faster than his could, she noticed he was looking at her – not focused on her eyes, or just her face, but taking her in as though she might just vanish at any moment. A second later, she realised she’d been doing the same to him. Their eyes met. After a moment of hesitation, both of them laughed, nervously, almost apologetically, though neither of them could have said what for. Certainly neither of them would have apologised for wanting this. Chuami leaned close to whisper something, a question, in his ear, but found herself cut off by his lips pressed against her neck, his hand tangling in her hair; her breath caught, and by the time she found her voice, she couldn’t remember what it was she was going to say, and it didn’t matter.”

1 & 9!


I roleplay a canon character, but I’ve developed them very, very far past their canon counterpart. I hate it when people ask to roleplay and then refuse to acknowledge or take these unique developments into consideration, and instead treat my muse like the standard canon version.
