
Modern AU Stuff:

  • Something really central to Chu’s character is her total lack of respect for other people’s normal 9-5 schedules and her lack of useful life experience. She’s never been employed by anyone else or held to someone else’s standards. Therefore; trust fund baby. Set up by her mom before she died. That way she can maintain her free and naive financial irresponsibility. If her card hasn’t been declined, everything must be fine.
  • She’s Chuck Bass with better hair. And less money because no one needs to own a hotel, come on. But generally.
  • But she probably does shady stuff on the side for pocket money and funsies. Will sell u this year’s final paper. 
  • A lot of her backstory isn’t really translatable, soooo she’s gonna have been brought up by her mom’s friend who died when she was 19 as opposed to like 15. Her major Auron daddy issue isn’t present, but she’s still kind of pissy when people talk about her parentage.
  • Art student. Can’t discuss theory with her. Too boring.
  • Hype ass parties.



“Oh, it isn’t like that, Chuami! It’s not so bad! If you find the right person, you enjoy the time together. You really do.”

Chuami’s sudden shift in tone caught her attention, her expression softening with question. “Um… he’s doing well… I think. Why do you ask?”

“Aww, y’know! Just askin’! If you wanna change the subject, how about we talk about Tidus, hmm? How’s that going?”

Why didn’t she think of this earlier? Surely there was no better to way to get off her dating habits than to put Yuna on the spot.