“Tell me about your first kiss.” [I know, is cliché af but I saw that gifset with Tidus and Yuna and I had to.] – trappedinacrystalchrysalis

–– ☽☼☾

  Chuami spluttered and lost half a mouthful of the dark amber liquid she kept in her hip flask to the soil.

  “My what?!

  When her laughter finally died out, she picked up a stick and poked at the fire with it while she thought.

  “It was pretty bad.” she admitted, laughter threatening her calm again, “My memory is pretty foggy, but I remember there was… some party, or something? Really big, fancy party, you know?”

  A lot of marble, a lot of fresh cut flowers and a heavy emphasis on candlelight for its similarity to sunlight, only on a smaller, more intimate scale. She had stuck out like a sore thumb, though she couldn’t remember quite why. Maybe it was her clothes. She wore black, as usual, while the host and his children wore white and gold, even the pretty youngest girl who hated these parties; and so everyone else wore it as well.

  “I think I was about thirteen.” she continued as she fought to recall details through the ever-present fog that clouded her early memories, “I had my eye on the lord of the houses’ older boy, to be honest, but once I’d spoken to him a little…” she shook her head and laughed. “He was crazy. I liked him, but he felt like a brother or something.”

  Then what? Ahhh, yes.

  “They had staff…” 

  It must have been a fancier place than I remembered.

  “To cut a long story short, I got bored and pulled one of the serving boys into the kitchens. It was terrible, and he had no excuse. He was older than me and really ought not to have allowed himself to be taught by a younger lady.”

  She paused. Turning to look Sieglinde in the eye, she assumed an expression of pure horror.

  “It was like… kissing a squid.”

“Tell me about your first kiss.” [I know, is cliché af but I saw that gifset with Tidus and Yuna and I had to.] – trappedinacrystalchrysalis




1. marked by the characteristics of an earlier period; antiquated. 

2. (of a
linguistic form) commonly used in an earlier time but rare in present-day usage
except to suggest the older time, as in religious rituals or historical novels.

forming the earliest stage; prior to full development. 

4. (often initial
capital letter) pertaining to or designating the style of the fine arts,
especially painting and sculpture, developed in Greece from the middle 7th to
the early 5th century b.c., chiefly characterised by an increased emphasis on
the human figure in action, naturalistic proportions and anatomical structure,
simplicity of volumes, forms, or design, and the evolution of a definitive
style for the narrative treatment of subject matter. 

5. primitive; ancient;

Etymology: from Greek archaïkós, “antiquated, old-fashioned”, equivalent to
archaî(os), “old”.

[weremoon – hollowed]


dusk crown || sieglinde & chuami


«Oh, my…»

With an amused, theatrical change of her posture, the catarinian gently placed a hand on her chest.

«Consider me swept off my feet!»

Her lips quivered, an silvery giggle fighting to burst its way out of them. How long has it been since she had to stuggle to hold back a laugh?

Heavens… Lordran surely manages to make the small amount time I’ve spent here seem like a whole lifetime.

Sieglinde chuckled, hilarity illuminating her eyes. It was nice to feel so carefree once in a while… it made her feel that, that withering world, could bloom again one day.

«Do forgive my fatuity… I just couldn’t help myself. I’m Sieglinde, knight of Catarina.», she finally greeted the Darkmoon with a gracious bow of her head, opening her visor. «Pleased to meet you. Now… shall we adventure into the depths of this wondrous place?»

–– ☽☼☾

  Chuami wasn’t quite expecting the knight to put on a performance of her own, but she was pleased by it nonetheless. Flicking her hair off her shoulder, she stared dramatically off into the distance and gave a sigh.

  “Ah, if only ‘twere the first time I’d heard a maiden say such…”

  Unable to stop herself, she ruined her line by bursting into an uncontrollable fit of giggling. Her posture went from forced formality to her usual casual awkwardness and her free hand went up to stifle her laughter.

  “Sieglinde, is it? Catarina explains the armour. Pleased to meet you, lady knight – and double pleased to find you have eyes. What is at the bottom of this place? I don’t mind telling you, since you don’t seem to be after my money – I’m treasure hunting. I’ve heard whispers here and there that there’s a crown buried somewhere around here. D’you think it would suit me?”

  At this, she took a few steps forward to bring herself level with the knight. 

  “If you’ve been through here already, you ought to take point. I’ll end up tossing us off a cliff otherwise.”

dusk crown || sieglinde & chuami


———   陰の太陽   ———

          “ Hmph. ”

It was the only reply he gave initially, still facing away from where she stayed. He was still, thinking, for a long moment, before turning back, though only slightly, so that he could see his Blade out of the corners of his vision. His eyes fell on the door opposite to where they both were.; he really was considering the opportunity. He simply needed a logical explanation as to why he should indeed grace such a practice with his presence.

          “ ‘Pass the archers’? ”, he inquired, finally turning the rest of the way to face her full on.

His expression curled into the smallest of grins as he watched his Blade. He had the reason to go now in his mind. But, he was curious to see if she had any ideas to better the event.

          “  If my presence shall encourage a better performance, I will go.
               Surely, though, this is more to do to aid them than simply watching 

–– ☽☼☾

  She shook her head in response. 

  “Captain Dragonwhacker’d like his soldiers to motivate themselves, I think. But…”

  Her eyes traced the outline of the floor patterns as she thought, passing her now-fixed mask from one hand to the other.

  Was it a bit… unsubtle? A little bit over the line? Well. No harm in finding out.


  Her hand brought out a small throwing knife. Gwyndolin’s own were much smaller, finer made, but served much the same purpose.

  “If you’re… especially bored…” her eyes flicked back up to the Dark Sun’s face. “You could always set yourself up as a final opponent… there would be fear and awkwardness, make no mistake, but once they realised they couldn’t hurt you, there’d be no higher honour than being the knight you declared the winner. We could cast an iron flesh spell… they couldn’t do you any harm, after all…”

dusk crown || sieglinde & chuami


«Sun knight?», Sieglinde echoed, tilting her head in a thoughtful motion. «Mmh… oh, I’ve heard from other travelers that there is a indeed a fellow knight with a sun painted over his shield! He’s wandering through Lordran, just like us, right? … And, if I recall correctly, they also warned me to not mention the sun in his presence, if I value my ears… that is.»

She fell silent for a moment, looking at the young girl.

«I must confess I’m still not quite sure of what that means…»

Dark Sun? … So she was a Blade of the Darkmoon, just like Jarrod. The catarinian arched a brow; and she surely had a peculiar way of expressing herself, hadn’t she?

«Poisoning and robbing? Oh, dear me… those are indeed some interesting inclusions to the Code of Chivalry. I did not remember them. Alas, it seems I’m getting old…», she chuckled, mirth dancing in her irises. «However, I can still show you some edible plants and fruits you can easily find around here. But, I’m afraid you are the only one who can decide if it is a wise decision to trust me or not.»

The young knight searched for her gleaming eyes, patiently awaiting her verdict.

–– ☽☼☾

  Chuami couldn’t help laughing at the stranger’s words. Apparently, she didn’t know his name, but she knew the most important thing about him. Once she started laughing, it seemed hard to stop; possibly because she’d had so little reason to laugh lately. It had been… a while since she’d last left Anor Londo. She had almost forgotten how… bad it was, out here.

  She fanned herself, one hand still on her bow, trying not to laugh again at the knight’s line about getting old. She certainly didn’t sound old, though it was hard to tell with that onion on her head.

  The Darkmoon took a moment to consider the knight’s offer – purely for show. She had decided on her answer the second the girl had put forward the question.

  “Okay.” she nodded. “You don’t seem like an undercover Darkwraith. They have no sense of humour. I’m Chuami, Gwyndolin’s favourite hunter.”

  She gave a sweeping bow, then looked up, grinning, and winked at the knight through her hair. “Do I amaze you?”

dusk crown || sieglinde & chuami



send me a ship and i’ll tell you

-who cries when someone dies in a movie: I don’t think either of them would?! Unless they were really attached to the character for some reason, and then it could be either. I mean, both of them would be equally slain if they saw Solaire die in-game B )
-who wears the ugly holiday garb: BOTH. Chu would do it like an ironic hipster and Sieg would match her dad tbh. Rad onion fam in ugly wool creations.
-who pays for the meals: Difficult to say because of the verse, but if we shift them over to a modern!au then both?? But they’d forget whose turn it was and just… split it mostly.
-who slams the oven door and who plays the trombone: Is this a euphemism or
-who brings home stray animals: Out of them, Sieg, because she might know best what to do with them. Chu wouldn’t let herself because she would eventually be overrun.
-who leaves the bathroom door open: I don’t know in what sense this means but Chu doesn’t remember doors unless it’s necessary and baths don’t count as necessary in a door sense.
-who wants kids more: I don’t think either would, they’re too busy travelling around pushing invaders off cliffs.
-who travels more: Linde, Chu spends most of her time with Gwyndolin.
-who spends more cash: ??? Like soULS…? Linde would need to spend more on general supplies, but Chu would also spend a lot on weapon maintenance. Chu would be the most despairing about waving goodbye to souls though (and that’s to do with my Velka headcanons).
-who buys the things in infomercials: CHU DOES
-who draws in the dust on their cars: … Chu, again.
-who starts the snowball fights: Could go either way, if Sieg is in a snowball mood then she will snowball and u better be ready
-who throws away the directions to things: Neither, but they’d both lose them…
-who puts up holiday decor: Chu, because she’ll take any opportunity she can to distract Orn and everyone else from the fact they’re still stuck in Anor Londo after however many years. It’s a way of reminding them that time is still moving.
-who is more likely to forget to bathe: Sieg? Purely because she has “Hmmmmm Moments” like her dad where she’ll forget to do everything until she’s puzzled out her current problem.
-who gets more obsessed about things: I would say Sieg has a healthy interest in chasing after her dad, I’m not sure Chu’s obsession with ear collecting is AS healthy…
-who sings in the shower more often: Chu – Sieg would do it, but would do it less if she thought people might overhear maybe? :O


dusk crown || sieglinde & chuami

–– ☽☼☾

  Twigs snapped under her boots as she moved through the woods. It was odd, hearing her own footfalls on a surface that wasn’t marble; that was how rare it was that she left Anor Londo and her covenant leader. There was a purpose to her wandering, though. She had heard of a treasure around here, and she wanted it.

  Although… this really wasn’t her natural habitat, and whilst the darkness and cover of the trees was convenient, she was thankful to come across a small clearing, lit by those odd little glowing flowers; until she realised someone had got here first, and her hand tightened on her bow. A Caterina knight, out here?

  “Evening, friend. No hotels around here, are there? Mm? Restaurants, maybe? I’d settle for someone who knows how to peel moss.”

dusk crown || sieglinde & chuami


———   陰の太陽   ———

Her surprise was evident, though he faintly wondered if it was due to his answer, his appearance, or a combination of the two. He decided on the last choice, marking it the safest bet, though it truly mattered not. He nodded to her, passing her by with grace and stopping momentarily to listen to her words as she finished her work. He noted that she smiled when she was completed. He did not know why, though. He supposed it didn’t matter. Humans were odd. He simply left it at that. He had been watching her, of course, and commented on her words when the opportunity arose.

          “ I should think he will beon both accounts. ”, he replied with a slight smirk.

Pleased with his reply, he glanced away from her. It seemed she had done then same when he looked back a moment later. What she said next surprised him, though he did not flinch or sigh. He was not a fool, however. He smirked, only slightly, and glanced away lest she see it.

          “ I take it that is a request… ? ”

–– ☽☼☾

  Chuami set her sewing aside and paused, looking at Gwyndolin with a somewhat mischievous smile that she wasn’t able to suppress. Was she really bold enough to say it was a request? Normally, asking anything of him seemed like a step well over the mark, but something in the way he held himself had changed slightly as he faced away. 

  Truthfullly, none of the Darkmoons would last a day if they were not perceptive, but this one paid extra attention to the Dark Sun’s mannerisms.

  “I dare say it is.” she replied, and that was as far as she dared push it. If she were to continue, she would likely have said something about how it would be a rare thing to see him display some of his offensive capabilities.

  People had said a similar thing in the past, though, and he had demonstrated them without a second thought. 

  “If you’ve got the time to spare, of course. I know there’ve been a fair few people trying to pass the archers lately.”

{ surreptitiously leaves a stuffed grey mouse with amethyst-cabochon eyes on your pillow }

–– ☽☼☾

  The Darkmoon Blades are an elite group, formed of those who can provide a service that is satisfactory to the Dark Sun’s high standards. They are quick, quiet and highly perceptive; in a word, they are dangerous

  Chuami, as one of their highest ranking, was sometimes so used to her own greatness that she totally forgot to utilize it; as was the case this morning. Having washed and half-dressed, she returned to the chest by her bed to retrieve her bow and promptly let out a scream that caused the knight outside her door to flinch; but not to enter, he knew better than that.

  From her new vantage point on the carpet, she peeked over the top of the bed. Whatever it was, it wasn’t moving. 

  On closer inspection, it wasn’t actually alive. 

  She picked up the small grey object and sat cross-legged on her bed to examine it. A mouse…? Ornstein…
  Well, who else could have gotten in and out of here like that? It begged the question, had he done it while her back was turned, or was she so slow these days that he had managed to do it while she was asleep?

  Still, though… it was cute. And well made, by the looks of it. The eyes were a thoughtful touch, too. 
  She sighed, smiled, tucked it into her pocket and made a mental note to act offended by this, another mouse joke, when she saw him. 

{ surreptitiously leaves a stuffed grey mouse with amethyst-cabochon eyes on your pillow }