BOLD all that applies to your muse!

EYES: Blue | Green | Brown | Hazel | Grey | Other

HAIR: Blonde | Brown | Black | Red | Ginger | Grey/White | Multi-color | Other

BODY TYPE: Skinny | Slender | Slim | Built | Curvy | Athletic | Muscular

SKIN: Pale | Light | Fair | Freckled | Tan | Olive | Medium | Dark | Discolored 

GENDER: Male | Female | Trans* | Cis | No Gender | Other

SEXUALITY: Heterosexual | Homosexual | Bisexual | Pansexual | Asexual | Demisexual | Other 

SPECIES: Human | Undead/Vampire | Shapeshifter (Weres) | Demon | Angel | Witch/Wizard/Sorcerer | Incubus/Succubus | Other

EDUCATION: High School ( GED ) | College | University | Higher Education  

LIVING SITUATION: Lives alone | Lives with parent(s)/guardian | Lives with significant other {depending on who you ask } | Lives with a friend | Drifter | Homeless | Verse dependent

PARENTS/GUARDIAN: Mom | Dad | Adoptive | Foster | Grandparents(?) |

RELATIONSHIP: Single | Crushing | Dating | Engaged | Married | Separated | It’s complicated | Verse dependent

I’VE BEEN: In Love | Hurt | Sick | Abused

I HAVE A(N): Learning Disorder | Personality Disorder  | Mental Disorder | Anxiety Disorder | Eating Disorder | Substance-related Disorder (had)

THINGS I’VE DONE BEFORE: Drank alcohol | Smoked | Done drugs | Stolen | Self harmed | Starved myself | Had sex | Had a threesome | Gotten into a fist fight | Gone to the hospital | Gone to jail | Used a fake ID | Gone to a rave | Killed someone | Been in a war 

POSITIVE TRAITS: Affectionate | Adventurous | Athletic | Brave | Careful | Charming | Confident | Creative | Determined | Fearless | Generous | Honest | Humorous | Intelligent | Loyal | Modest | Patient | Selfless

NEGATIVE TRAITS: Aggressive | Bossy | Cynical | Envious | Fearful | Greedy | Gullible | Jealous | Impatient | Impulsive | Insecure | Irresponsible | Possessive | Sarcastic | Self-conscious | Selfish | Unstable | Clumsy | Rebellious | Emotional | Swears

BOLD all that applies to your muse!