Sparks || 008 AF


Sore muscles ache all of his body as he manages to make it into his morning meeting– today wasn’t off the best of starts. He had already noticed he was missing his wallet and key card. The guards wouldn’t be happy with him, that was for sure.

Ding-! Hope exits the elevator and notices her conversing with the receptionist. “Good Morning, Miss Chuami.” When she notices him, he smiles and holds out a hand to initiate a handshake. “Thank you for meeting with me today.” As a weapons researcher, he had heard of her name and her company many years prior– being able to reach out and connect with her, it wouldn’t be wrong to call him starstruck. Thankfully the platinum blonde has experience with keeping his professional front.

With a guiding hand, Hope indicates the direction in which they should walk– their meeting room just a few yards away. “I hope you were able to find your way easily this morning,” he comments lightly, hoping to develop an amiable atmosphere. Though, he notices that her aura is much more intense in person than in their previous communications.

Chuami was perched on the edge of the receptionist’s desk when she heard a male voice address her. She left the girl behind the desk with a closing remark that made her pink slightly, pushed her sunglasses back up her nose, then hopped down and crossed the room to meet the young man.

“Morning,” she replied, and was about to ask after Mr Estheim when he spoke again – thank you for meeting with me, he said. So this was him? 

Good. She was quite tired of dealing with stuffy old men. He couldn’t have been any older, or much younger, than herself; it would make a nice change, not to have that familiar, scanning glance that said “Aren’t you too young for this?”.

“Easily enough,” she replied with a smile as she followed close behind into the meeting room, “I have to say – I was expecting someone older.”

Pulling her sunglasses off, she took a seat at the table without any hesitation or ceremony.

“Not that it’s a problem, you understand. I’m impressed.”

Sparks || 008 AF