weeny psa;

I have a looooot of followers I have never done anything with, and I wonder if that’s because I didn’t follow them back?

The reason for that is that I have to keep my dash at least 60/40 in favour of FFX content, otherwise I just start losing my marbles and the muse ends up moving away from her source material. 

If you follow me and I don’t follow you, it’s not because I don’t wanna do the thing, I guarantee you I wanna do the thing. As I gain more FFX muses to follow, I tend to expand the non-FFX followee pool as well 😀

weeny psa;

Spent all afternoon failing at the chocobo race. I am here and I am angry. One could say I wasted an entire day on a video game without getting even one single trophy, but one could also say I got a new job and it balances out.

I’m not really used to adulting.

So I currently owe stuff to:

… gee that’s a lot more than I thought wowee


Commencing semi-hiatus!

I’ll be lurking but. I have… no muse, none, pic related. I can’t say how long that’ll last, I know we all have off days but for real. : I

What I’ll probably do is keep it lowkey for a bit, go through my mutuals, look for new victims and try to think of some plots and stuff to bring them. I really, really need some new partners so………………… i may invade ur ask box

So I’ll be available for plotting (I ENCOURAGE IT) but not doing any replies. I won’t be dropping anything I already have, so message me if you’d rather I did! Hoping finding some new stuff will lure her back tbh.  I’m talking too much. tyvm u have been a great crowd


Stuff owed to (includes everything currently on my tracker):

Memes: 3 (Caius u gettin’ brave son I admire that) | Other: 2

Like for starter (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
I’ll try to make it relevant to your muse!