

                                           Imbued with flame,

     it struck his chest to see him dead. Inevitably, inevitably the Bomb would fall no matter its primitive strategy – why, then, did its species persist so? A grunt escaped his throat, recovery brisk as always. Such fiends were nothing more than small fry that could not wait to die. Masamune faithfully swung for vengeance, and surely enough, his weapon thrashed into the enemy. Under onyx lenses did he witness it burst into pyreflies –

                    – the very same sort, pitifully, that kept his own body whole.

     There is one more creature in hiding and he knows it. Though had it been another fiend, it surely would have leapt for his throat. Heels rooted in place, iron soles swiveled toward the source of his premonition.


             “Show yourself. Now.

     The command chilled to the bone. It was more than enough of an indication that if they would not come forth, they would answer to tempered steel. Auron did not fancy games so much as he had the patience for them.

  – It was a thing of beauty, really, the way he handled that blade. Wonderful. She’d had a hand in making them before, but she could hardly lift one on her own, let alone effectively wield one. Seeing it done by an expert? Poetry in motion. 

  She was so deeply concentrated on the flow of his movements that she hardly noticed the bomb’s death, and his voice took her by surprise. In her hiding place, behind the rockpile grave of a fallen summoner, her hand instinctively went to her gun. She took a breath, slowly moved her hand away and stood up – equally slowly. 

  For a moment, she was stunned. This man had never stood before her in person before. For all the pictures and spherecordings, she wasn’t prepared for the reality of him.


  “I was just… trying to get back to the Calm Lands,” she lied, “I got lost… “