also sent by ryujinace and magicspacewhale

☼: Which tropes do you find overused/boring?

I had to look up the exact definition of the word “trope” because it seems to have expanded to mean “literally anything that happens in anything, ever”. We’re going with “a significant or recurring theme”.

I can’t really think of anything! I don’t think I’d want to go and say “x theme is lame” because it completely depends on writer and execution. I think I follow people who got gud a long time ago, so I never tend to witness anything that comes across as “been done before”.

I’m trying really hard, but just this once, I don’t think there’s anything I can think of to be salty about. Holy sh

Yellow, orange and violet! :)

Yellow: Your writing us great! Keep it up! 

Orange: I can hear ____’s voice when I read your writing! 

Violet: I wish you would write more.

YOu’re a crAZY person, you get the absolute worst of it, barely a day goes by without some trash of my imagining landing somewhere on you, you deserve an MBE for your charity work, no one has contributed more to the continued existence of the Lesser Sandworm

ilu bchan 
i’ll make u some more trash stuff soon ok

Yellow, orange and violet! :)

My muse’s best friend

Discounting “NPC” muses, so I can’t pick Kai but if I could he’d be right up there SORRY NOT SORRY BEE
This one is verse dependent because she firmly believes that one should never date their best friend – so in non-burrito verses it would be Penny, because she finds her really easy to talk to/get on with and they can go adventure pretty much any time as long as Pen hasn’t been locked in the research facility. But in burrito-verse, they are two parts of a three part thing, and Chu doesn’t like keeping all her eggs in one basket, pretty much – so it would be Braska. 

Sense8 Meme: “You didn’t expect this, did you?”

  For a moment or two, she kept pointedly silent and focused on re-tying her hair. Once she was finished, she dropped her hands to her sides and shifted awkwardly, looking around as if she were thinking very hard about her answer. 

  Eventually, she folded her arms. Tapping her fingers on her arm, her eyes found his again.

  “… no?

Sense8 Meme: “You didn’t expect this, did you?”

1 & 9!

1. of the fic you’ve written, which are you most proud of?

On here? This one. Which… I don’t know, but I spent a really long time on that right there and even crimson-legend, Archduke of Pain, was like “… ow”.
So. Proud.

9. a passage from a WIP

Look, I’m really sorry, but I only have one WIP so you’re gonna have to just deal with this because I don’t have any other options unless you want me to go off-blog and retrieve something totally RP irrelevant. 

“ … 

She rewarded him with a purr and a prolonged kiss that ended with her teeth gently grazing his lip. Leaning away, she flicked the switch on the lamp at their side; the room was plunged into darkness, save for the slanting moonlight from the window that reached just far enough to make the beads in Chuami’s hair flash in reflection. As her eyes adjusted to the dark, faster than his could, she noticed he was looking at her – not focused on her eyes, or just her face, but taking her in as though she might just vanish at any moment. A second later, she realised she’d been doing the same to him. Their eyes met. After a moment of hesitation, both of them laughed, nervously, almost apologetically, though neither of them could have said what for. Certainly neither of them would have apologised for wanting this. Chuami leaned close to whisper something, a question, in his ear, but found herself cut off by his lips pressed against her neck, his hand tangling in her hair; her breath caught, and by the time she found her voice, she couldn’t remember what it was she was going to say, and it didn’t matter.”

1 & 9!

[yawns and looks v tired tbh]

  “Long day?” she asks, looking over her glasses at him. “Well… at least you don’t have to cook…

  She nods at the table, where she’s somehow managed to produce a full meal for both of them in the short time he was out of the room. Miraculous, really; especially miraculous that nothing in the kitchen was smoking.

  “Just don’t look in the trash.”

  She pauses and grins.

  “Cos that’s where the takeout containers are.”

[yawns and looks v tired tbh]

… me? :O!

Give me a character and I will answer:

Why I like them: It would be easier for me to list the reasons I don’t like your dumb nerd, because there aren’t any. I probably bore people to tears at this point with my predictable overenthusiastic praise of the stupid adorable idiot, but there’s a good reason for that. He integrates really well with the in-game version and makes you think more carefully about that entire subplot. Every detail of his character is very considered and the feels levels are carefully calculated. YOU NEED A DRABBLES TAG. I WANT TO PUT IT HERE.
Why I don’t: 0/10, not a cinnamon roll at all, far too cute, unnecessarily lovely, will make tea for the literal devil; lays blame for all non-cinnamon antics on Chu and gets away with it because she quite likes the idea of people not knowing–
Favorite scene: In-game; the sphere he records for Yuna. It’s the only time you really see him acting in connection with his old life. He’s talking directly to his daughter, and that reminds you that he’s someone’s father, someone’s husband and someone’s son, not just “a summoner”, as he’s most often referred to. Specific to s-p; the teacup thing god I hate you so not at all but also… everything the tag is attached to…
Favorite line: “Let’s show them they’re wrong.” (you-specific… “Oh? Hello there. Forgive my surprise. I wasn’t aware I was so recognizable.” Coughs.)
OTP: [stares into camera like on the office]
Brotp: Apart from the obvious #teamdelightfulirony; Braska/Tidus kills me. Tidus is such a scaredy cat. oH NO GF’S DAD
Head Canon: Had to be told to go to sleep at a decent hour on the pilgrimage, otherwise he’d be up all night because he wouldn’t be able to say no to people who wanted to come see him before he moved on, like Yuna on the ship, only worse because he’s such a rockstar of a summoner with his heathen wife, halfbreed child and miscreant guardians.
Unpopular opinion: Chu/Braska works and if you disagree all I can say is you smell like wrong
A wish: PREQUEL. PREEEEE. QUEL. Also, I wish tumblr user summonerds-path would write more drabbles.
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: get mad at me again it hasn’t happened yet but I feel preemptively concerned about this pls do not hate me–

… me? :O!


Give me a character and I will answer:

Why I like them: 10/10 colour coordination, tattoo placement ensures the maintenance of his style level even whilst naked, physics defying hair, good choice of eye colour, strong nails, Winnie the Pooh with murder
Why I don’t: Winnie the Pooh with murder
Favorite scene: The Zanarkand projection is so beautiful, but I’m gonna say the wedding. Even despite the dunce cap. That moment where he just sneers at you and says Kill them. He doesn’t give even half a shit.
Favorite line: “Yevon has chosen me!”. This guy seriously believes his own crazy, twisted version of reality, to the point where he basically thinks god has spoken to him and he has this weirdly admirable furious excitement over it.
OTP: None, but Yuna/Seymour would have made a good story.
Brotp: None again – I would have liked to see him snark the other Maesters out some more though.
Head Canon: He’s probably really really defensive about the fact he has his own aeon and never went on the pilgrimage. I should think speaking of Anima is an impaling offence.
Unpopular opinion: I like his VA. It’s not perfect, but his voice is soft and would be kind-sounding if you weren’t able to hear his crazy.
A wish: This will sound a bit snippy, but I do wish people would know his backstory before they feature it in threads. There aren’t any active Seymours right now, I don’t mean anyone in particular, I’ve just had this blog a decent while now and have seen people refer to his “failed pilgrimage” when he actually flat out refused to even start. I don’t know, that seems like an important character detail to me. But then, I’m as bad as anyone else for missing details… ;A;
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: ??? Can’t really think of anything!