

send me a ship and i’ll tell you

-who cries when someone dies in a movie: I don’t think either of them would?! Unless they were really attached to the character for some reason, and then it could be either. I mean, both of them would be equally slain if they saw Solaire die in-game B )
-who wears the ugly holiday garb: BOTH. Chu would do it like an ironic hipster and Sieg would match her dad tbh. Rad onion fam in ugly wool creations.
-who pays for the meals: Difficult to say because of the verse, but if we shift them over to a modern!au then both?? But they’d forget whose turn it was and just… split it mostly.
-who slams the oven door and who plays the trombone: Is this a euphemism or
-who brings home stray animals: Out of them, Sieg, because she might know best what to do with them. Chu wouldn’t let herself because she would eventually be overrun.
-who leaves the bathroom door open: I don’t know in what sense this means but Chu doesn’t remember doors unless it’s necessary and baths don’t count as necessary in a door sense.
-who wants kids more: I don’t think either would, they’re too busy travelling around pushing invaders off cliffs.
-who travels more: Linde, Chu spends most of her time with Gwyndolin.
-who spends more cash: ??? Like soULS…? Linde would need to spend more on general supplies, but Chu would also spend a lot on weapon maintenance. Chu would be the most despairing about waving goodbye to souls though (and that’s to do with my Velka headcanons).
-who buys the things in infomercials: CHU DOES
-who draws in the dust on their cars: … Chu, again.
-who starts the snowball fights: Could go either way, if Sieg is in a snowball mood then she will snowball and u better be ready
-who throws away the directions to things: Neither, but they’d both lose them…
-who puts up holiday decor: Chu, because she’ll take any opportunity she can to distract Orn and everyone else from the fact they’re still stuck in Anor Londo after however many years. It’s a way of reminding them that time is still moving.
-who is more likely to forget to bathe: Sieg? Purely because she has “Hmmmmm Moments” like her dad where she’ll forget to do everything until she’s puzzled out her current problem.
-who gets more obsessed about things: I would say Sieg has a healthy interest in chasing after her dad, I’m not sure Chu’s obsession with ear collecting is AS healthy…
-who sings in the shower more often: Chu – Sieg would do it, but would do it less if she thought people might overhear maybe? :O
