
“Of course, Chuami. I was informed you were in need of a strong, and capable lance. I am glad I could offer you my services.”

He returned he bow in kind, his motions stoic and stiff. He was well versed in formalities, though she would soon ind they were unnecessary with. He was a warrior through and through.

“I am Kain Highwind.”

Her face was momentarily hidden as she straightened up, meaning he didn’t see the flicker of amusement that crossed her face at his words. If she didn’t know any better… but no, of course not. Bevelle had sent her here, and to do that, they must have been quite sure that he was as dry and as boring as they were. 

“I’m afraid I don’t have anything with me… only what I carry. So I might have to–” (don’t make jokes do not make lance jokes) “- borrow your equipment.”


I wonder who this is–

Give me a character and I will answer:

Why I like them: ?????? WHY?????? WOULDn’T I?????? 1000% honour and duty, dedicated from beyond the grave, voice that could melt steel beams, character design A+, underrated hero, hell of a lot of hidden details and terrible moments that only reveal themselves in the second+ playthrough (DJOSE TEMPLE, ANYONE?!). I could honestly talk about this loser all day.
Why I don’t: I don’t understand what kind of monster would have anything to say here.
Favorite scene: ALL OF THEM. But… I guess, specifically… 
1) The dock scene with Tidus where you hear him laugh for the first and last time. Horrible. He’s not feeling any amusement.
2) “So, you’re a champion of Yevon now, Braska?”
3) The entire Yunalesca/Zanarkand Dome sequence. That horrible horrible bit where he’s slashing at his own pyrefly-self. He NEVER loses it before that moment.
Bonus: Where he walks off while they’re all bitching in the desert.
Bonus #2: Use Eject on a Sandworm. PLEASE.
Favorite line: He’s an absolute goldmine of lines. My favourite isn’t a very dramatic one, though, it’s “I am the… troublemaker, after all.”. His VA is very good and I think you can detect a hint of actual humour there, and he’s not even kidding. He IS the troublemaker. Just for a split second, you could believe he used to be a naughty kid.
OTP: Just Braska, that’s it, no one else. 
Brotp: #teamdelightfulirony again.
Head Canon: Just read the entirety of crimson-legend‘s blog, I absorb and accept every single one of their headcanons. See; claustrophobia, tonberries, macalania, pinecones.
Unpopular opinion: Aurikku is terrible. Again, I respect everyone else’s right to go crazy with all their favourite ships both on and off my dash, and I do see people write really good threads based around it, but just her being “sunshiney” isn’t enough imo.
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: PREQUEL PREQUEL PREQUEL MY HEART COULDn’T HANDLE IT