
———   陰の太陽   ———

Her surprise was evident, though he faintly wondered if it was due to his answer, his appearance, or a combination of the two. He decided on the last choice, marking it the safest bet, though it truly mattered not. He nodded to her, passing her by with grace and stopping momentarily to listen to her words as she finished her work. He noted that she smiled when she was completed. He did not know why, though. He supposed it didn’t matter. Humans were odd. He simply left it at that. He had been watching her, of course, and commented on her words when the opportunity arose.

          “ I should think he will beon both accounts. ”, he replied with a slight smirk.

Pleased with his reply, he glanced away from her. It seemed she had done then same when he looked back a moment later. What she said next surprised him, though he did not flinch or sigh. He was not a fool, however. He smirked, only slightly, and glanced away lest she see it.

          “ I take it that is a request… ? ”

–– ☽☼☾

  Chuami set her sewing aside and paused, looking at Gwyndolin with a somewhat mischievous smile that she wasn’t able to suppress. Was she really bold enough to say it was a request? Normally, asking anything of him seemed like a step well over the mark, but something in the way he held himself had changed slightly as he faced away. 

  Truthfullly, none of the Darkmoons would last a day if they were not perceptive, but this one paid extra attention to the Dark Sun’s mannerisms.

  “I dare say it is.” she replied, and that was as far as she dared push it. If she were to continue, she would likely have said something about how it would be a rare thing to see him display some of his offensive capabilities.

  People had said a similar thing in the past, though, and he had demonstrated them without a second thought. 

  “If you’ve got the time to spare, of course. I know there’ve been a fair few people trying to pass the archers lately.”


———   陰の太陽   ———

          “ Oh, is he? ”, the princess asked, sounding surprisingly interested.

Gwyndolin had not appeared before her since she had entered and made herself known, but he had been watching her. They had exchanged greetings and, after a short exchanged, she had gotten right to work, quietly. He had been writing before she had arrived; however, once she had begun making her repairs, he had set his work aside. Though he did not make himself visible, that did not mean her company was not appreciated. On the contrary, Gwyndolin found that he enjoyed her presence. She was a faithful servant, intelligent and well-spoken, and she visited often, even when offerings or updates were minimal.

It was part of the reason he was partial to her above so many others.

She also had a sense of humor that amused him and he occasionally entertained.

Today, it seemed, he was in the mood for such things. He rose from where he sat and slowly moved towards the door, pausing only briefly before he moved through to stand before her, speaking.


I think I should like to see such a challenge. ”, he began, looking at her.
               “ And I should like to see that threat realized as well. ”, he added with a smirk.

–– ☽☼☾

  When she presented the idea, Chuami half-thought Gwyndolin would dismiss it. It was rare that he left his chamber, not because he was particularly nervous of the outside, but, Chuami though, he just had better things to do. His appearance through the fog took her by surprise, but she didn’t let it show; she kept her eyes down until her last stitch was finished, then looked up, smiling.

  “Ornstein will be pleased! Your presence might encourage his knights to push themselves. I should he’ll do enough showing off for all of them, of course.”

  Her eyes left his masked face and she stared thoughtfully at the opposite wall.

  “Do you think the giant sentinels could be used?”

  For that to be possible, Gwyndolin would have to agree to control them in battle – however it was he did that – and that was almost like asking Gwyndolin himself to compete; so she said nothing else, meaning no offence, but aware that if Ornstein wanted to make this a regular test, the sentinels might be an asset to him.


–– ☽☼☾  

  Chuami stitched in comfortable silence, fixing a broken seam on the mask she wore over her nose and mouth. On the other side of the fog wall, inches or yards away, Gwyndolin went about whatever Gwyndolin did when hidden from view. She suspected he was probably reading. He wasn’t moving around much, anyway.

  When she’d finished, Chuami lowered her hands and stared ahead at the wall.

  “Captain Ornstein is considering a contest between his knights. Might you come see it? I threatened to compete myself. If I can’t hold a Dragonslayer bow, at least I’ll be a bit of comic relief.” 

[graces ur inbox]


———-   陰の太陽   ———-
          “ A pleasure, as always. ”
He glances at her, eyeing her with only slight suspicion. She wants something, likely.
          “ Is there something you require? ”

–– ☽☼☾

“Not so much.”

She avoids looking Gwyndolin in the eye, as she always does, keeping her eyes on their environment instead.

“The knight… the chipped one who was having issues with the archers. He made it inside. Haha… finally. In fact, he made it well inside. He’s taken something from Gwynevere’s room, the chest by her bedside. Should I…?”

[graces ur inbox]