requiem || chuami&fran


She didn’t
know how she died. Fran wanted to believe it was because the memory of the pain
was too much to bear. Auron remembered his death, but the viera didn’t know if
it was a common thing among unsent. And the fact that Chuami thought she couldn’t
enter the Farplane because it denied her entrance only broke her heart.

Without a
word, Fran pulled Chuami into a hug. It was by far the most maternal gesture
she ever had with the young woman since they have met. Since Chuami entered her
life, Fran did her best to be more of a mentor than a mother. The archer didn’t
want to replace anyone and she thought her mentor role would help Auron and his
daughter to reconnect properly.

Little did
she care if the sadness she felt was due to the pyreflies and it was them who
pushed her into this sudden demonstration of affection. However, Fran knew one
thing for sure: she didn’t want them to use Chuami’s unsent condition for
revenge. They were going to protect someone dear to both of them. Not avenge

the thought was very tempting when she replayed Auron’s death in her mind.

“Does your father know?”

  Chuami had been holding it together. Talking about the accident felt like walking a tightrope. As long as she didn’t allow the details to come back to her, she could keep steady; as long as she kept herself detached enough, the sounds and the images stayed distant, like pictures on a sphere monitor. But as soon as Fran reached out for her, the floodgates burst and the viera didn’t need to pull her forward; Chuami fell into her arms as naturally as if Fran had been her own mother; and if her own mother had been the hugging type. 

  For a while, she tried to control her sobs against Fran’s shoulder. Crying was a rare occurrence for her, and it never failed to make her angry with herself.

  “Sorry, Fran. Sorry.

  She pulled back, wiping her eyes on the back of her hand.

  “Uh… no. At least, I haven’t told him. I don’t know if he can… tell. I didn’t know he was… until he told me. I can’t let it happen to him again, Fran, you know? Not when I can stop it. If she’s back, then… he’ll go to her, and what? They’ll get themselves locked in an eternal battle where the loser comes right back? He’s done enough for Spira. I can do it. I can get there first, and I can… fix it.”

requiem || chuami&fran

fill out with muse info.

name: chuami
alias ( nicknames ): chu, brat, various curses and pet names depends on the speaker. don’t shorten her name if you just met her though, it’ll put her right off you.
gender: female.
age: 24, 5 at death (I have headcanons I haven’t typed about this) 
date of birth: august 16th (equiv.)
spoken languages:

al bhed , spiran (in that order)
romantic preference: absolutely none.
sexual preference: again; none, to be honest. equal opportunities and all that.
occupation: weapons designer/dealer, head cheerleader, part time model (the second one is false but the last one is half-true).
criminal record: a few counts of breaking and entering is all she’s been caught at.
disorders: inherited predisposition toward depression, but it hasn’t been an issue, at least she hasn’t noticed if it has.
eye color: lavender who else has that eye colour–
hair color: black
height: 5′7
scars: this left a nasty one; other than that, a lot of small ones from work mishaps.
burns: left arm from shoulder to roughly around her elbow, caught part of a blast when her mother’s ship blew up.
overweight: nope.
underweight: nope. pretty balanced, not especially high in actual nutrients though (”coffee is a food group, right?”)
color: blue, red, but not really by a huge margin? not too fussed on this one.
song: varies a lot, tag is your best bet.
food: what is food?
drink: she’ll say tea these days.
candy: all of it. this is also a food group.
had sex:  hahahaha…
had sex in public: “… … … are we talking intercourse, or–” [mun: oh GOD]
gotten pregnant: nope
kissed a boy: yes
kissed a girl: yes
gotten tattoos: … yes, if you count that monstrosity her brother took her in for while they were both drunk.
gotten piercings: no, oddly enough.
smoked / drank / done drugs:  no/yes/yes
had a broken heart: yes
been in love: yes
needed surgery: needed, or actually had? never had, but almost certainly needed. that’s the cool part about being unsent, you just keep knitting back together, however messily.
stayed up for more than 24 hours: yes
a virgin: that ship has not only sailed, it is now a dot on the horizon
a cuddler: yes
a kisser: maybe??
scared easily: nope.
jealous easily: yes.
single: in the marital sense, yep.
in a relationship: yes.
considered mean: depends who you ask. don’t ask tidus.
harmed themselves: yes, passively.
thought of suicide: yes.
attempted suicide: possibly.
wanted to kill someone: nary a day goes by without someone being added to the list.
have / had a job: a real job? hell no.

fill out with muse info.



Muffins is repeatedly tormented by images of Dad throughout this whole sequence, and then Dad TURNS INTO HIM! Talk about his worst nightmare.


Also? I can understand why my Mom thought Auron summoned the ebil monster to demolish the city, and that he was going to turn out to be the villain of the piece.



“It’s a cat! It pretty much takes care of itself. All ya have to do is keep it alive!”

Though, an apparently huge dog could complicate that simple job, just a little… 

“You’re not training him to be an attack dog or something, are you? It’s not like you need one…” 

He was pretty sure she had no trouble scaring people away.

“I… Well… He’s already sorta trained… I don’t know what kinda deal his previous owner was into, but Rex is sorta an attack dog, yeah.” 

She thought it over for a moment. Cats were devious, but they weren’t fiends.

“He only goes for monsters, though. That’s why I don’t need to leash him around people, or you. Get it. Cos you’re seafood, not people.”

{ doesn’t even go anon bc 0 fucks } I dunno about advice, but y’really need a boyfriend, Chu. –or a girlfriend! Whatever you’re into. Hey, if you want, I can totally be your wingman! Just say the word! I’m a pretty good matchmaker, you know. I totally called Lulu and Wakka…

“Yeah, but from what I hear, you called you and Lulu first.” Chuami sniggered.

“Wait… w-why do you say that!? I really need a boyfriend?! Why really? Whatcha trying to say here, prawn?!”

{ doesn’t even go anon bc 0 fucks } I dunno about advice, but y’really need a boyfriend, Chu. –or a girlfriend! Whatever you’re into. Hey, if you want, I can totally be your wingman! Just say the word! I’m a pretty good matchmaker, you know. I totally called Lulu and Wakka…