requiem || chuami&fran


She didn’t
know how she died. Fran wanted to believe it was because the memory of the pain
was too much to bear. Auron remembered his death, but the viera didn’t know if
it was a common thing among unsent. And the fact that Chuami thought she couldn’t
enter the Farplane because it denied her entrance only broke her heart.

Without a
word, Fran pulled Chuami into a hug. It was by far the most maternal gesture
she ever had with the young woman since they have met. Since Chuami entered her
life, Fran did her best to be more of a mentor than a mother. The archer didn’t
want to replace anyone and she thought her mentor role would help Auron and his
daughter to reconnect properly.

Little did
she care if the sadness she felt was due to the pyreflies and it was them who
pushed her into this sudden demonstration of affection. However, Fran knew one
thing for sure: she didn’t want them to use Chuami’s unsent condition for
revenge. They were going to protect someone dear to both of them. Not avenge

the thought was very tempting when she replayed Auron’s death in her mind.

“Does your father know?”

  Chuami had been holding it together. Talking about the accident felt like walking a tightrope. As long as she didn’t allow the details to come back to her, she could keep steady; as long as she kept herself detached enough, the sounds and the images stayed distant, like pictures on a sphere monitor. But as soon as Fran reached out for her, the floodgates burst and the viera didn’t need to pull her forward; Chuami fell into her arms as naturally as if Fran had been her own mother; and if her own mother had been the hugging type. 

  For a while, she tried to control her sobs against Fran’s shoulder. Crying was a rare occurrence for her, and it never failed to make her angry with herself.

  “Sorry, Fran. Sorry.

  She pulled back, wiping her eyes on the back of her hand.

  “Uh… no. At least, I haven’t told him. I don’t know if he can… tell. I didn’t know he was… until he told me. I can’t let it happen to him again, Fran, you know? Not when I can stop it. If she’s back, then… he’ll go to her, and what? They’ll get themselves locked in an eternal battle where the loser comes right back? He’s done enough for Spira. I can do it. I can get there first, and I can… fix it.”

requiem || chuami&fran

“Don’t you like… sleep in his house? I’m pretty sure that’s ‘seeing’… not that I care! At least it’s /not/ my dad. Now /that/ would be weird.”

“In his house, yeaah. I don’t sleep on the couch now though. Buuut, on the topic of your old man… How’s that treatin’ ya?”

“Don’t you like… sleep in his house? I’m pretty sure that’s ‘seeing’… not that I care! At least it’s /not/ my dad. Now /that/ would be weird.”

“How can you be so sure about this?” [why am I picturing him about to do something dumb]



He tosses her a look; of course he’s sure about this, he’s done way more stupid things and survived those.

“Don’t get your panties in a knot. Just watch.”

It gets old, it gets old faster than you think– he can’t even go buy a goddamned gallon of milk without getting suspicious glances. What the hell’s he going to do, make a bomb out of it? 

But she doesn’t bring it up and he doesn’t elaborate, and keeps the easy grin on his face because Chu doesn’t need to be saddled with any more of his bullshit. 

He wishes he had a beer, something to drink, something to take the edge off of just… existing for a few minutes, but he shoves down the need– plenty of bars in Dollet, after all, and Chu is always up for visiting all of them. 

The little crab skitters away, claws clicking in annoyance as it seeks out a more private habitat. 

“Nah, just the cute ones.” 

She laughs at that, looks up from where she is on the ground and after a moments’ observation of him – slightly edgy now, it seems – she sighs, smiles and gets up.

“If you need it cleared out at all times, there must be a hell of a lot of cute girls in this place. You should hook me up sometime.”

She’s kidding, the expression on her face still one of tired contentment rather than mischief. Feeling her way back to the cave entrance, she leans against the wall just inside and stares out. 

“If I get arrested for any reason, I’ll meet you back here when I escape custody, okay?

“Or, you know… if I get in any trouble, I guess.”

“How can you be so sure about this?” [why am I picturing him about to do something dumb]

Modern AU Stuff:

  • Something really central to Chu’s character is her total lack of respect for other people’s normal 9-5 schedules and her lack of useful life experience. She’s never been employed by anyone else or held to someone else’s standards. Therefore; trust fund baby. Set up by her mom before she died. That way she can maintain her free and naive financial irresponsibility. If her card hasn’t been declined, everything must be fine.
  • She’s Chuck Bass with better hair. And less money because no one needs to own a hotel, come on. But generally.
  • But she probably does shady stuff on the side for pocket money and funsies. Will sell u this year’s final paper. 
  • A lot of her backstory isn’t really translatable, soooo she’s gonna have been brought up by her mom’s friend who died when she was 19 as opposed to like 15. Her major Auron daddy issue isn’t present, but she’s still kind of pissy when people talk about her parentage.
  • Art student. Can’t discuss theory with her. Too boring.
  • Hype ass parties.


[ 大召喚士 ]     Braska saw Chuami cross her arms as she’d replied out of the corner of his eyes and he smiled, his expression turning into a grin as he eventually turned around to face her. He almost laughed then when he caught her gaze, but instead, he turned once more to finish gathering his things.

          “Of course you don’t. Don’t worry. You had a good time, I can assure you.
               Probably too good of one. How late did you sleep in the next day? Noon?

The question was rhetorical. By then, he had gathered his things and headed out the door. He stopped abruptly however when she had stressed that he lock the door. To humor her, he did so without complaint, taking a deep breath once he was done before the two officially set out.

He was pleasantly surprised when she latched onto him, worrying that she might run off without him if she found something more intriguing. He had initially tried to lead, but had quickly found that he was still a bit tired for such and, after a short walk, allowed himself to lean into her weight some. He half-watched the people that they passed, his attention more focused on the sun overhead. It was warm, nice. He had needed to get out. His reverie was broken, though when he’d heard her faintly whisper to herself.

          “No, but it’s alright. I understand.”, he told her, eyes still focused ahead.

He’d gotten that out in the brief moment she gave him to speak before she continued and he listened carefully. He wasn’t looking at her, but he felt her tense. What she said made sense, of course. He knew the feeling very well.

          “I know the feeling exactly.”, he said, thinking she was done. Then, I missed you.
               “I’ve… missed you, too.

The words left him easily and the two walked on for a moment before he realized that she still seemed tense, her arm still linked with his. He slowed their pace then, leaning his head forward and down to try and meet hers. Then, with a gentle smile, his voice soft and steady, he added.

          “I really did, you know. I’ve gotten rather used to having you around.
               …I was worried you’d forgotten me until you came by this morning.

It hit him then that she was indeed part of the reason he had felt the way he did. He would likely have stayed there until the evening had she not come home. Now that the two were out, he felt remarkably better and found that the concern he felt for her now had entirely replaced that tired feeling. Even as she spoke again, suddenly more lively, asking him where they should go, he found that his thoughts lingered on that thought. He really had been worried she’d forgotten him. But, then again, what did it matter? He wasn’t her keeper as much as he seemed to enjoy being so.

          This is Auron’s daughter.

She wasn’t, not really, and even if she was, she hadn’t known him, grown up with him. The men she called brothers and even Kai were more her family than he. Why did it matter so much to him, then? He bit his lip then forced himself to look up and meet Chuami’s eyes, realizing she had spoken. He looked startled, he knew, but he recovered well and gave a quick nod as he searched for his answer. Then, he replied, his voice half-playful, half-surprised.

          “Well, if that’s the case, then…  I suppose it has to be candy first, doesn’t it?

He grinned at her. Then, he nodded, allowing her to lead them on, but even as her mood had rapidly improved, Braska couldn’t help but let his mind wander. And worry. He worried about her all the time. The way she’d looked down and away… he hated that. She was too pretty to look so forlorn. He wouldn’t have it.

          “I’ve missed you.”

He didn’t like when she was gone. And, after today, would she leave again? Of course she would. That’s just how she was. And he’d wait for her, making sure he had enough food for the two of them just in case she decided to stop by. But, the days would pass. How long would she be away this time? What if she didn’t come back… ?

          Well, then, give her a reason to stay.

It was a strange resolution, as if it wasn’t as revolutionary as it truly was. He’d likely already made up his mind long before the thought had realized its self. He shook his head at his own foolishness. Then, he glanced over to her. She was still happily smiling and looking ahead. He smiled a sad sort of smile and then stopped suddenly, her arm tugging at his of course. He unlinked his arm from hers and quickly moved in front of her to block her path. For a moment, his expression was serious until he leaned down to meet her eyes. He paused then, looking at her and then placed each of his hands on one of her shoulders, leaning in close to her face. A moment later, he grinned, a mischievous smile. He was planning something. That much was obvious. He wondered if she’d ever seen that look on his face before and the thought made him grin even wider. His voice was more alive than it had been all afternoon.

          “If the candy can wait, I have a better idea.

He would take her to the top of the temple’s courtyard.

  “Ohhh…” Unable to think of a response, she waved a hand at him, laughed, and turned away so he wouldn’t see her cheeks flush, though she was probably a second too late for that. “Forgotten about you… as if.

  She really didn’t know whether to laugh harder or hit him. Forgotten? It would be nice if she could go a day without wondering what he was doing or how he was. Sometimes she thought he knew that, though, and was just being polite by pretending she wasn’t completely transparent. He wouldn’t be the only one.

  There was a pause, a short silence after she asked where to go, just long enough for her to glance back at him and see that he looked preoccupied again. She watched him go from this to looking fine once more and wondered how often she’d missed moments like that in the past. How often had he kept up a smile until she looked away?
Hah – and how many times do I have to tell him he’s too cute for that?
  The urge to ask again hit her and she pushed it back. If he wanted to tell me, he would. We’re not doing personal questions anymore, self. 
  That didn’t mean she didn’t struggle against the idea, though. More than anything she wanted to know what was wrong and how she could fix it. It wasn’t only a wariness of over familiarity that stopped her – it was also that she just wasn’t sure it was her place to know, or even to ask.

  He answered her, happily enough, then lapsed back into silence. She pretended not to notice and carried on talking, without really saying anything, just so that when he snapped back to the present, it wouldn’t be in the middle of an awkward, protracted silence. It was alright. He might have been quiet, but he looked healthy enough now that he was outside; whatever it was, it seemed to be nothing a little sunshine couldn’t work on, if not solve.

  She was still pondering out loud about nothing when he stopped in front of her. The expression he wore cut her off mid-sentence – “ –or not!?” – and made her feel suddenly sick – oh no this is it what’s wrong what’s – but that look passed as though he were tired of keeping it up, and the smile that replaced it disarmed her. His hands went to her shoulders and she almost stepped back in surprise, would have done had his eyes not pinned her down. It was as though a light had switched on somewhere in him, or a hidden energy reserve found, that made him more vital than perhaps she’d ever seen him; and he seemed to find her startled expression amusing on top of that. She glanced around and found it astounding that no one was staring – were they not seeing him?! 

That’s it. 
That’s what?
Oh. That.

  Auron had mentioned it once before, Braska’s near-legendary impulsive streak, but she had thought it was an exaggerated memory. A lot of questions answered themselves in that moment; she’d never wonder how Auron and his summoner had managed to get into any of their scrapes again. 

A better idea? I’m not gonna argue.

  She said none of this; instead, finding it impossible not to mirror his enthusiasm, she grinned back, her hand covered his, and the only word that left her mouth was
