Chu and TEEDZ

send me a ship and i’ll tell you

-who cries when someone dies in a movie: Tidus, and he’s all like NU UH UR CRYIN IM NOT CRYIN
-who wears the ugly holiday garb: BOTH, if one of them doesn’t want to, the other will make them.
-who pays for the meals: I think they’d pay for themselves, but Chu would probably discreetly pick up the bill on occasion but not mention it cos he’ll be all like I DONT WANNA OWE YOU, YOU SCARE ME KINDA
-who slams the oven door and who plays the trombone: … I still don’t want to commit to this question…
-who brings home stray animals: CHU, she already did bring a stray dog home…
-who leaves the bathroom door open: Tidus
-who tells the ‘dad jokes’: ??? Neither ??? But they’re both really bad for poor quality humour in general…
-who wants kids more: GROSS
-who travels more: Chu overall, but Tidus has been everywhere at least once too.
-who spends more cash: Neither of them are all that used to financial responsibility. 
-who buys the things in infomercials: Both, Tidus would have faith in their usefulness and Chu would want to rip them apart.
-who draws in the dust on their cars: They would draw rude pictures of each other.
-who starts the snowball fights: I feel like Tidus would fire the first shot in an attempt to pre-empt Chu.
-who throws away the directions to things: TIDUS DOES
-who puts up holiday decor: Maybe both?? But like… I think it would be less “oh let’s make the place look pretty” and more “how many ways can I piss them off using nothing but tinsel”
-who is more likely to forget to bathe: Neither, I think.
-who gets more obsessed about things: Chu has work related tunnel vision.
-who sings in the shower more often: Secretly Tidus

Chu and TEEDZ