
[ 大召喚士 ]

Her question had taken him aback and he looked her, surprised, though she had glanced away. Before he could truly give a reply, though, she had continued. She sounded sad and the look of concern only worsened as he carefully studied all of her that he could see from where he stood. When she finally finish speaking, after mocking herself in an attempt to lighten the conversation, he sighed in slight relief. She’d at least looked at him, then. After a moment, she moved to his side and he found his voice, his eyes ever chasing after hers as he spoke.

          “It’s not that. It’s…”, he began, hurriedly trying to fill the silence, nervousness in his voice.
               "I knew you hadn’t forgotten. Not really. It’s just… You’ve been so busy lately.
               I… wanted to make sure when you are here you have a good time.“

The words came easily despite the worry she’d put in him only moments before. He paused then, his eyes moving back out toward the afternoon sun. When he looked back, he was surprised to find her looking at him, waiting, looking surprisingly serious. The expression he responded with was one of confusion, though he was careful to listen to each word she said.

          ”I’m certainly not bored of you. Look how long I’ve kept your father around.”

The comment had been made in jest, of course, to contrast her seriousness. She was still pretty when she looked at him like that, but something about her expression made him nervous and he wanted desperately to see the heaviness reflected in her eyes lessen.

          “He’s… hardly what I’d call the exciting type, you know.“, he added, smiling at her.

He waited a moment for a laugh he did not received and then looked away, defeated, knowing that his humor had not broken the mood. Even so, it had been worth a try. What she said next, however, brought on was like a roller coaster. He had barely had time to register her kind words, before a pang of confusion set it. He felt his mouth drop open slightly in surprise.


How had he not heard? Had she really been gone that long? His expression saddened considerably at the thought and he looked away from her, quiet breaths filling the space between him and her words. He didn’t know what to say. He was shocked. Why hadn’t she told him before now? Would she have even mentioned it if he hadn’t accepted her offer to leave the house? Would she have just left one day, without a word?

          This is why she’s been so distant.

Even as she laughed at herself, he could not shake the disquiet he felt. His hands had fallen to his sides in disbelief and now pulled at the fabrics that he wore, nervously, at least until what she said had registered. For whatever reason, her words did not surprise him like he would have expected. Instead, he had actually felt his head and heart settle. It was a strange feeling, unfamiliar yet not unwelcome.

          “Yes. It does.”, he replied, his voice quiet, uncertain. He hoped he didn’t worry her.
               "I… don’t think it’s silly. Not at all.
               Of course, you can have places all over, but there’s only one home

His words had been spoken with the utmost seriousness. All the while he had been watching her every movement, looking for a sign or clue as to what he had missed. He paused then, turning to look at her. She did not look at him. He considered a moment if he should continue with her gazing off like that. Against his instincts, he moved towards where she now stood, closer to the roof’s edge, and stopped right next to her. He lowered his head to try and catch her eyes, though he did not wait for them before he continued. He was certain she would hear him now.

          ”If you want to stay, then stay.“

   Silence followed his words. Chuami stared out at the gardens for a while longer, her eyes unfocused, lost in thought. Eventually, she seemed to relax,  her normal humour flooded back into her at once and she tried – semi successfully – to hold back a smile. She turned, met Braska’s eyes and held them, looking for – something. Some reason not to believe him, something negative, anything that said he might only be trying to make her feel better. if it was there, she wasn’t seeing it. The harder she studied him, the less she felt able to stop as it occurred to her that they very rarely actually looked at each other. Aside from quick glances here and there, between page turns or in passing. Almost a full thirty seconds had passed before Chuami’s hold on her straight face slipped and her hand went out to cover Braska’s mouth.

Nooo, don’t finish that sentence–” she said, almost a whole minute after he’d finished speaking, “Don’t do it– oh, now look, now look what you did. You finished it.”

  She withdrew her hand, openly laughing now; there was obvious relief in it. 

 “I only told you because I knew you’d say that, and you went and said it, and now I– now how– it’s not going to happen, is it?”

  She held a hand up and gave herself a moment to compose herself.

  “Trouble is, bluebird, you were right about that only one home part, and unfortunately for you, it picked me. It sorta turns out, I default to your house when someone says “home”. That’s…”

  She trailed off with a sigh, her eyes flicking down again.

  “I mean… that’s why I have to find somewhere else, right…? Because you say that now, but neither of us are going anywhere any time soon. In a few years, it’s gonna get real old for you, and you keep talking like that, you’ll end up stuck with me. I don’t know… I don’t think I’m a great influence. And, I… I don’t wanna overstay or… just ruin it, you know?“

Though, to be honest, I can think of a few alternative ways to ruin a perfectly good friendship that I… Dear Yevon take this train of though from me.

  There seemed to be no reason for the sudden giggling fit this brought on; thankfully, something came to her that she could attribute it to, something she’d heard earlier but not really registered.

“That was so rude, by the way. Auron is an adventurer,” she grinned, “He could’ve got up here faster than either of us even without the kind-of stairs.”

  She sighed, not unhappily, pointedly glancing to her pile of stones and back to Braska. 

Dare you. Or are we gonna stand here all day, ruining this sunshine with the dark cloud of my insecurities?”

I typed out a really long post just now announcing an indefinite hiatus, but I take it back, because I don’t actually want to leave, I just want to strip things back a bit. I don’t mean to go full ham but some warning needs to be given before I change anything.

The long and short of it is:

  • I’m not going to feel bad about Chu being ridiculous and unbelievable, because she was never supposed to be realistic. this is what I tell myself nyeHehheh
  • I’m going to stop diluting her and reigning her in; she’s been getting a bit dull and lethargic. I’ve been doing that a lot because I’m personally paranoid about what other muns will think of her actions. I shouldn’t be bothered about this, though; if someone confuses her thoughts for mine, or assumes we agree on anything, they’re the fool. I’m sorry Chu pls don’t hate me
  • Continuing from the above, from now on, if you talk to her like a little bitch, she’ll treat you like one. I know she’s difficult at times, but Chu is not naturally hostile, and if your muse hasn’t seen her being a brat first hand, there’s absolutely no reasonable excuse for them to be talking to her like they just scraped her off their shoe when they literally just met and have no previous association (unless your muse just does that as a normal part of their character, of course). 
  • I’m probably still going to be slow as hell because I won’t be able to just switch her back on ;,c

All ship statuses are zero’d, if anyone still wants to do this, it needs to be re-negotiated because these are only small alterations to her character but they’ll make a difference.

Finally, thank you so much to all the people who are still here even though I’m nothing but a head of cabbage in an outfit just trying to administrate the adventures of a bag of trash in a better outfit. 

I really would have just deleted without some of you (you know who you are, you buncha scrubs, don’t make me get all Gwyneth Paltrow about it), which, I don’t know if anyone would care, but it shows you how much of an effect people can have without even meaning to, and I do appreciate it. ❤

I’m going to go and maybe think of some ways to patch up my relationship with said trashbag now. umbasa

[whiskey rose – penny & chuami]


[txt:Choo] Be there in a minute, just let me get my shoes on.

When she gets to the cafe, Chuami is sitting with her head in her hands, looking absolutely, purely miserable. She looks like a hangover – combined with the flu – feels. Penny is careful not to make the chair squeak on the floor when she sits down.

“Chuami, I say this with nothing but affection – you look like utter shit. Are you wearing two different shoes?” She pushes a small packet of aspirin across the table and gently moves the gun down next to it. “No blowing out of brains just yet. Talk to me, Chu. What the hell happened?” She thinks for a second. “If it was insane enough that you don’t wanna talk about it in public for fear of getting arrested, I brought the car. We can hang out in the parking lot or something, I’m not taking you driving in this state.”

Chuami’s face proved it could pale further at the idea of a car.

"I’m fine. The air’s probably doing me some good.”

She popped three aspirin out of the packet, thought for a moment and added another three before throwing them into her mouth and washing them down with half the coffee that remained. Before she answered Penny’s question, she checked her feet. Ah yes, one sneaker was a different colour. She must have been in more of a rush to get back out that she realised. Excellent. Well, if anyone can make it look good, it’ll be me.

“I woke up in someone else’s bed. I mean… I know, this is me we’re talking about, normally I’d be texting you an in-depth review, but… I really regret it. And not just because he’s high summoner. Normally other people’s hangovers are a comedy source to me, but I felt so awful I gave him my potion and now I’m suffering your weak ass Balamb ones.” Chuami looked at Penny over her sunglasses with a meaningful look. Don’t make me say his name… She wouldn’t be surprised if Auron could hear her, and she planned on living a while longer yet. “I’m nine thousand percent sure nothing happened. I’m fairly sure if it had, I’d know about it.”

She pushed her glasses back up her nose and attempted to look nonchalant despite her burning cheeks. 

“I feel so bad about it still, though. This is what it’s come to? Getting my dad’s church friends plastered and absconding with their dignity? Penny… do I have a problem? This is not something I’ve ever thought about before, but all of a sudden I have this gross feeling… it might be guilt. It feels bad. I don’t like it, how do I switch it off?”

[whiskey rose – penny & chuami]

fifteen associations.

reblog and fill in the answers you most associate your character to with each question.

animal – nidhogg (?!?!?!)
color – yellow
month – September
song – Home (Capsule) (Because I can’t find an mp3 for Return)
number – eight
day or night – day
plant – cactuar
smell – vanilla/black pepper oil
gemstone  – amethyst
season – autumn (FALL sorry)
place – desert
food – ice cream
astrological sign – ??
elements – fire
drink – cola float

fifteen associations.