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#decayingorbit #denial5ever #getout #goaway

I would hurt you or use you. | you unsettle me. | I dislike you or you annoy me. | I would like to get to know you better. | I pity you. | you confuse me. | I feel indifferent towards you. | I would be friends with you. | I would fight by your side. | I would hug you or hold your hand. | I would kiss you. | I would sleep with you. | I would lie for you. | I would protect you. | I would fall in love with you. | I would kill for you. | I respect you. | you are my family. | I don’t know you.

#HOW COULD YOU #this is… #IDK WHAT THIS IS – [via summoners-path]

#decayingorbit #denial5ever are pretty much the tags for these two. always.

I kind of want to keep this too–

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…Temple secret? As far as Eiko knew, there were no such things. Churches, maybe.. but…

"Umm… no? As far as I remember from what my grandpa told me… there used to be many more just like me. But… our home was pretty much destroyed by a terrible storm. Even my parents. It was just me, my grandpa, and a family of moogles.” she explained. “…My horns are used to communicate with the eidolons.”

"You… use your horn to… communicate with what now? What’s an eidolon?

Chuami looked around for the cameras. Nothing. Nobody around to enjoy whatever kind of joke this was. Did that mean it wasn’t a joke? 
Where in Spira did this girl come from?

“So… are those… wings real as well, or…?”


Braska watched with his usual smile—and an inward delight— as the girl’s nervousness slowly began to ease. It was a relief. He took no pleasure in making people nervous or uncomfortable, though it seemed to happen more often than not. He listened with mild amusement as she discussed the current ‘state of affairs’ of the island… and the benefits of knowing a man called Gippal. He briefly wondered who that was…

But, before he thought too much on the topic, out came her “sand worm” comment and he couldn’t help but laugh— loudly, too. Her words had sounded very much like something another Al Bhed woman he knew might have said.

Soon afterwards, she saw fit to circle the room, actually taking his suggestion. He was faintly surprised, but pleased. He had thought she might insist that he choose something or— worse— been thrown into indecision. He knew that, most likely, he would have been. But, instead, his recommendation seemed to have been exactly what the girl needed to take the remainder of her nerves away… or, at least, her awareness of who he was. As soon as she had turned away, she had instantly become more focused— more at home— and, for that, he was glad.

It took her a few moments, but when she had selected her “item” of choice, he couldn’t help but notice how truly pleased she looked with herself. He was almost worried… almost. And, when she sat the… whatever it was on the counter, he opened his mouth, at least five different questions awaiting their turn. But, before any of them escaped, he forced it shut. Patience. He was certain that every single one would be answered in due time.

And, they were. Oh, how they were! It was the last thing he would have ever expected to be based off of a children’s toy, but he had no complaints about the results. Among the newly created chaos, he could only surmise that it seemed extremely effective, albeit somewhat terrifying. When her demonstration was complete and she took her bow, he was certain he’d stood— mouth agape— for several long seconds before a short fit of laughter at his own amazement and surprise broke the silence.


“I most certainly did! That… was incredible.”, he told her, shaking his head. He was truly impressed. He’d seen more than a few Al Bhed inventions in his day, but nothing quite like this one.

“How did you…?”, he began, a genuine look of curiosity forming on his face. “Do I even want to know?”

When she turned back to him, she expected something like disapproval and was pleasantly surprised to see him staring in wonder, with just the right amount of fear to let her know he had been watching. She nodded in agreement with an air of faux modesty at the word incredible and laughed at the question that followed.

"Are you asking me how I made it, or how anyone would be weird enough to think of it? To make it takes a real joint effort, you know? Strong teamwork. I draw it up, Sacha tells me it’s impossible to make, I tell him to stop being a little bitch, he and Byron find me the materials and I sit here and kind of yell at everything until it comes together. Trial and error.” she paused, removed the saws from her hands and showed him the shallow cuts in her skin where the blades had sliced her before she perfected the hand guards. “Real trial and error. As for how I came up with it, when you’re in the business as long as I have been, you see everything as a potential weapon. I have a very simple philosophy; if Yevon watches over us all, we may as well entertain him. Life’s too short not to cut things up with toys if the opportunity arises.”

Chuami pulled open a deep, boxlike drawer in her desk to reveal a mess of metal pieces, some broken, some not; some impossibly intricate pieces of decorative metalwork thrown in with clumsy, half finished, unidentifiable items as if they were all one and the same. She picked up a thin silver bangle and examined it before she spoke.

“This might appeal to ya. Little less flashy, not offensive in the slightest, but still pretty cool.”
She had noted, after all, the enthusiasm he seemed to show at the machina weaponry. How unacceptable, she thought with a badly suppressed smile, I’m gonna have to write to the temple. Then: He has really nice eyes.
She normally would have voiced this thought, but not even Chuami was pushy enough to make such an observation of a high summoner. Though she had little regard for Yevonite authority, she did consider him deserving of the respect he was treated with.  Turning her attention back to the bangle in her hand, she pushed a flat button on the inside of it and a green light housed within the semi transparent silver finish flashed in a circle and a cool, slightly tinny female voice emanated from it.
“North Cen-Cen-Central Posiii—tronics, Serial Code 8. 9. 4. 5. 9. My name is Tina.”
“Tina, scan for hostiles.”
“Scanning.” a short pause. “No hostiles detected.”
She pushed the button again and Tina announced her shutdown. 
“If you leave it on, she’ll carry on scanning and alert you if she finds anything,” Chuami told her visitor. She didn’t mention that Tina occasionally read her as a fiend due to her current condition, and that this was why such a valuable piece of equipment had not been sold.
She set the bangle down on her desk while she got underneath it and threw out some overstuffed cushions she used as chairs. It was a mixed blessing that the workshop couldn’t accommodate any real furniture; it was very slightly cooler closer to the ground anyway. Chuami dropped herself onto one of them, spinning the bangle around her finger as she watched Braska.


“Take a seat, cornflower.” she said, “I’ll trade it for your company. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t real curious about how you got here…”
The tone of her voice indicated that she wasn’t asking how he crossed the desert, but rather more about how a successful high summoner made it anywhere once their journey was complete.