If you receive this it means you make someone happy! Go on anonymous and send this to ten followers who make you happy or some you feel need cheering up. If you get some back, even better! ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤


❤ ur the best. I did need cheering up, you were correct heh.

If you receive this it means you make someone happy! Go on anonymous and send this to ten followers who make you happy or some you feel need cheering up. If you get some back, even better! ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

[text] I’ve been hiding under the bed for the past 20 minutes, and now they’re getting into it and it’s a little too late for me to jump out and surprise them. So expect a live sex updates – via youngestofthemagus

[text:honeymachine] oh yes. i need this. i’m in the world’s shittiest meeting. i might relay your updates to the group as a whole. 

[text] I’ve been hiding under the bed for the past 20 minutes, and now they’re getting into it and it’s a little too late for me to jump out and surprise them. So expect a live sex updates – via youngestofthemagus

✯ -xrev

✯: Do they talk to their partner during sex? Do they talk dirty? Do they whisper sweet nothings?

Yes, possibly, possibly

Honestly, most of her talking in these situations is less talking and more questioning or laughing. There’s a point you pass, though, where she’ll start concentrating on non-verbal cues and won’t be bothered if her partner is talking still, but she might just tune out, because she understands and appreciates your physical responses better than anything you could be saying.

✯ -xrev

Yes. I’ve only played KH2 and am talking out of my ass. Heaven forbid someone have a different opinion on a character than you. Please do note the sarcasm.

//Can you just… maybe… stop being passive aggressive with people? Maybe that way we wouldn’t all know when it’s you sending these anons. There’s someone very similar in the Dark Souls RP comm, everyone knows it’s him but no one says anything because no one wants to start drama.

I don’t understand why you seem to be going out of your way to get on my nerves lately. If you were really fine with different people having different opinions, you would never have messaged me to call Seifer a douchebag anyway, you would have shrugged and moved on, because it’s my opinion that they’re all douchebags in their own special way and I personally still favour that one over the other. It’s really not a big deal at all. 

I never said people can’t have conflicting opinions, I enjoy reading people’s different interpretations of characters, I’ve always maintained that an interpretation can never be wrong, so this was a pointless message in the first place.

Yes. I’ve only played KH2 and am talking out of my ass. Heaven forbid someone have a different opinion on a character than you. Please do note the sarcasm.

Maybe people prefer Squall because Seifer was an insufferable douchebag?

“The fuck did you just say!? An insufferable douchebag?

Okay, and at what point did you make that decision? Was it when he kidnapped Rinoa? Was it when he almost killed himself trying to defend Edea? Was it before that, when he was taken by Edea in the first place? Oh, no, it wasn’t, was it – it was before even that, it was way back at the start, when you first met him and saw him acting out and being an arrogant prick during the field exam. You took that surface impression of him and you just ran with it, you took it on a fuckin’ marathon, because Hyne forbid someone upsets the immaculate Commander, and Hyne forbid someone who was ditched as a kid on a stranger’s doorstep dares to put up a front like that to keep themselves convinced that they are in control.

He was used, okay? She used him to get what she wanted, she knew he wanted to be valued, so she pretended she loved him and she used him. She’s a goddamn sorceress, what chance did he stand?! Do you think she let him take a week to think about it?! No, she took him, and that was it. If wanting to feel like you’re worth something makes you an insufferable douchebag, then I guess we all fuckin’ are

Once you take all of Ultemicia’s influence outta the equation, your only reason to dislike him is because he doesn’t bullshit. And, you know what? Yeah! Seifer is an arrogant prick, but he’s my arrogant prick, so you better come armed next time you wanna tell me being human makes someone bad.”

Maybe people prefer Squall because Seifer was an insufferable douchebag?

✖ + favorite drink!

Mun: I don’t really have one. Depends how I feel, I like watermelon stuff and strawberry stuff. And tea and… stuff. Chu, you’ll like this one. I was informed of a drinking game–

Chu: Go on.

M: Where you get a can of whipped cream–

C: I like where this is going.

M: … and you have to do a shot of something sweet and then eat some of the… no, sorry, where did you think this was going?

C: I thought I was about to have a new favourite drink.

✖ + favorite drink!