“Tell me about your first kiss.” [I know, is cliché af but I saw that gifset with Tidus and Yuna and I had to.] – trappedinacrystalchrysalis

–– ☽☼☾

  Chuami spluttered and lost half a mouthful of the dark amber liquid she kept in her hip flask to the soil.

  “My what?!

  When her laughter finally died out, she picked up a stick and poked at the fire with it while she thought.

  “It was pretty bad.” she admitted, laughter threatening her calm again, “My memory is pretty foggy, but I remember there was… some party, or something? Really big, fancy party, you know?”

  A lot of marble, a lot of fresh cut flowers and a heavy emphasis on candlelight for its similarity to sunlight, only on a smaller, more intimate scale. She had stuck out like a sore thumb, though she couldn’t remember quite why. Maybe it was her clothes. She wore black, as usual, while the host and his children wore white and gold, even the pretty youngest girl who hated these parties; and so everyone else wore it as well.

  “I think I was about thirteen.” she continued as she fought to recall details through the ever-present fog that clouded her early memories, “I had my eye on the lord of the houses’ older boy, to be honest, but once I’d spoken to him a little…” she shook her head and laughed. “He was crazy. I liked him, but he felt like a brother or something.”

  Then what? Ahhh, yes.

  “They had staff…” 

  It must have been a fancier place than I remembered.

  “To cut a long story short, I got bored and pulled one of the serving boys into the kitchens. It was terrible, and he had no excuse. He was older than me and really ought not to have allowed himself to be taught by a younger lady.”

  She paused. Turning to look Sieglinde in the eye, she assumed an expression of pure horror.

  “It was like… kissing a squid.”

“Tell me about your first kiss.” [I know, is cliché af but I saw that gifset with Tidus and Yuna and I had to.] – trappedinacrystalchrysalis

Chu tu oui rybbah oui cbayg Al Bhed huf dryd dra cdeksy dryd Yevon lnaydat ryc tasehecrat?

“E vymm pylg uh Spiran palyica hayn ajanouha ghufc ed, sucdmo! Baubma tu cdemm keja sa pyt muugc frah cusadrehk lusac uid uv so suidr eh Al Bhed eh bipmel, druikr. Hud yc silr yc pavuna, pid ed cdemm rybbahc. Mega drao drehg E’s cfaynehk un cusadrehk, drao muug yd sa mega E’s paehk nita. E kiacc ed tuac bid sa uvv. E’s hud cfaynehk ajano desa. Ev dryd cdubbat rybbahehk, druikr, E’s cina E’t ica ed y mud suna. E fuimth’d fyhd dra cysa drehk du rybbah du Al Bhed dryd rybbahat du dra Guado myhkiyka. Un, teymald, E kiacc oui’t lymm ed. Bynd uv sa fyhdc du maynh dryd, zicd cu E lyh tu y meddma ped du ramb cdub draen myhkiyka vnus toehk uid. E vaam draen luhlanh, haha…”

Chu tu oui rybbah oui cbayg Al Bhed huf dryd dra cdeksy dryd Yevon lnaydat ryc tasehecrat?

“You say somethin’, princess?” -xrev (wHOOPS i saw your tags and i lost my shit tbh)


  “You’re damn right I did!”

  It occurs to her then that she doesn’t really know what she’s so irate about. It just– he– and —? Isn’t that–? 

  “Do you think you could maybe just stop with the… with the…”

  At a loss for words, she just waves a hand over him.

  “With… uhh… this whole business here, this you thing.”

“You say somethin’, princess?” -xrev (wHOOPS i saw your tags and i lost my shit tbh)

Chu and TEEDZ

send me a ship and i’ll tell you

-who cries when someone dies in a movie: Tidus, and he’s all like NU UH UR CRYIN IM NOT CRYIN
-who wears the ugly holiday garb: BOTH, if one of them doesn’t want to, the other will make them.
-who pays for the meals: I think they’d pay for themselves, but Chu would probably discreetly pick up the bill on occasion but not mention it cos he’ll be all like I DONT WANNA OWE YOU, YOU SCARE ME KINDA
-who slams the oven door and who plays the trombone: … I still don’t want to commit to this question…
-who brings home stray animals: CHU, she already did bring a stray dog home…
-who leaves the bathroom door open: Tidus
-who tells the ‘dad jokes’: ??? Neither ??? But they’re both really bad for poor quality humour in general…
-who wants kids more: GROSS
-who travels more: Chu overall, but Tidus has been everywhere at least once too.
-who spends more cash: Neither of them are all that used to financial responsibility. 
-who buys the things in infomercials: Both, Tidus would have faith in their usefulness and Chu would want to rip them apart.
-who draws in the dust on their cars: They would draw rude pictures of each other.
-who starts the snowball fights: I feel like Tidus would fire the first shot in an attempt to pre-empt Chu.
-who throws away the directions to things: TIDUS DOES
-who puts up holiday decor: Maybe both?? But like… I think it would be less “oh let’s make the place look pretty” and more “how many ways can I piss them off using nothing but tinsel”
-who is more likely to forget to bathe: Neither, I think.
-who gets more obsessed about things: Chu has work related tunnel vision.
-who sings in the shower more often: Secretly Tidus

Chu and TEEDZ



send me a ship and i’ll tell you

-who cries when someone dies in a movie: I don’t think either of them would?! Unless they were really attached to the character for some reason, and then it could be either. I mean, both of them would be equally slain if they saw Solaire die in-game B )
-who wears the ugly holiday garb: BOTH. Chu would do it like an ironic hipster and Sieg would match her dad tbh. Rad onion fam in ugly wool creations.
-who pays for the meals: Difficult to say because of the verse, but if we shift them over to a modern!au then both?? But they’d forget whose turn it was and just… split it mostly.
-who slams the oven door and who plays the trombone: Is this a euphemism or
-who brings home stray animals: Out of them, Sieg, because she might know best what to do with them. Chu wouldn’t let herself because she would eventually be overrun.
-who leaves the bathroom door open: I don’t know in what sense this means but Chu doesn’t remember doors unless it’s necessary and baths don’t count as necessary in a door sense.
-who wants kids more: I don’t think either would, they’re too busy travelling around pushing invaders off cliffs.
-who travels more: Linde, Chu spends most of her time with Gwyndolin.
-who spends more cash: ??? Like soULS…? Linde would need to spend more on general supplies, but Chu would also spend a lot on weapon maintenance. Chu would be the most despairing about waving goodbye to souls though (and that’s to do with my Velka headcanons).
-who buys the things in infomercials: CHU DOES
-who draws in the dust on their cars: … Chu, again.
-who starts the snowball fights: Could go either way, if Sieg is in a snowball mood then she will snowball and u better be ready
-who throws away the directions to things: Neither, but they’d both lose them…
-who puts up holiday decor: Chu, because she’ll take any opportunity she can to distract Orn and everyone else from the fact they’re still stuck in Anor Londo after however many years. It’s a way of reminding them that time is still moving.
-who is more likely to forget to bathe: Sieg? Purely because she has “Hmmmmm Moments” like her dad where she’ll forget to do everything until she’s puzzled out her current problem.
-who gets more obsessed about things: I would say Sieg has a healthy interest in chasing after her dad, I’m not sure Chu’s obsession with ear collecting is AS healthy…
-who sings in the shower more often: Chu – Sieg would do it, but would do it less if she thought people might overhear maybe? :O


Mindy!! (if you’re still doing this) – via youngestofthemagus

Give me a character and I will answer:

Why I like them: Makes a whole character out of part of a summoned creature. Very very good, much detail, wow. Also really good FC choice and constantly entertaining threads.
Why I don’t: Stop dressing my boyfriend up like a hipster without even taking photos.
Favorite scene: Well, she’s only got her aeon stuff in-game, so the Delta Attack animation, I guess!
Favorite line: My favourite thing Mindy said was “STAY AWAY FROM ME AND MY FRIENDS, OLD MAN” when she was talking to my other muse because he was sat there with a genuine Tywin face like :/ bee pls
OTP: Hmmm, I am liking this business with bourbonandmint.
Brotp: Magus Sisters, ofc
Head Canon: Mindy cannot reach high shelves in stores so she has to ask Rude to help her if she wants anything off the top shelf and she sometimes says like “omg rude stop buying porn mags” loud enough for other shoppers to hear as he is reaching up for her. B I I JUST IMAGINED IT AND NOW I CAN’T STOP IMAGINING IT–
Unpopular opinion: Mmm, I don’t have any, I don’t think! 
A wish: That she’d do as she’s bloody told.
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: Produce honey, you’re not actually a bee and that would worry me–


Mindy!! (if you’re still doing this) – via youngestofthemagus


I wonder who this is–

Give me a character and I will answer:

Why I like them: ?????? WHY?????? WOULDn’T I?????? 1000% honour and duty, dedicated from beyond the grave, voice that could melt steel beams, character design A+, underrated hero, hell of a lot of hidden details and terrible moments that only reveal themselves in the second+ playthrough (DJOSE TEMPLE, ANYONE?!). I could honestly talk about this loser all day.
Why I don’t: I don’t understand what kind of monster would have anything to say here.
Favorite scene: ALL OF THEM. But… I guess, specifically… 
1) The dock scene with Tidus where you hear him laugh for the first and last time. Horrible. He’s not feeling any amusement.
2) “So, you’re a champion of Yevon now, Braska?”
3) The entire Yunalesca/Zanarkand Dome sequence. That horrible horrible bit where he’s slashing at his own pyrefly-self. He NEVER loses it before that moment.
Bonus: Where he walks off while they’re all bitching in the desert.
Bonus #2: Use Eject on a Sandworm. PLEASE.
Favorite line: He’s an absolute goldmine of lines. My favourite isn’t a very dramatic one, though, it’s “I am the… troublemaker, after all.”. His VA is very good and I think you can detect a hint of actual humour there, and he’s not even kidding. He IS the troublemaker. Just for a split second, you could believe he used to be a naughty kid.
OTP: Just Braska, that’s it, no one else. 
Brotp: #teamdelightfulirony again.
Head Canon: Just read the entirety of crimson-legend‘s blog, I absorb and accept every single one of their headcanons. See; claustrophobia, tonberries, macalania, pinecones.
Unpopular opinion: Aurikku is terrible. Again, I respect everyone else’s right to go crazy with all their favourite ships both on and off my dash, and I do see people write really good threads based around it, but just her being “sunshiney” isn’t enough imo.
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: PREQUEL PREQUEL PREQUEL MY HEART COULDn’T HANDLE IT


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