“How can you be so sure about this?” [why am I picturing him about to do something dumb]



He tosses her a look; of course he’s sure about this, he’s done way more stupid things and survived those.

“Don’t get your panties in a knot. Just watch.”

It gets old, it gets old faster than you think– he can’t even go buy a goddamned gallon of milk without getting suspicious glances. What the hell’s he going to do, make a bomb out of it? 

But she doesn’t bring it up and he doesn’t elaborate, and keeps the easy grin on his face because Chu doesn’t need to be saddled with any more of his bullshit. 

He wishes he had a beer, something to drink, something to take the edge off of just… existing for a few minutes, but he shoves down the need– plenty of bars in Dollet, after all, and Chu is always up for visiting all of them. 

The little crab skitters away, claws clicking in annoyance as it seeks out a more private habitat. 

“Nah, just the cute ones.” 

She laughs at that, looks up from where she is on the ground and after a moments’ observation of him – slightly edgy now, it seems – she sighs, smiles and gets up.

“If you need it cleared out at all times, there must be a hell of a lot of cute girls in this place. You should hook me up sometime.”

She’s kidding, the expression on her face still one of tired contentment rather than mischief. Feeling her way back to the cave entrance, she leans against the wall just inside and stares out. 

“If I get arrested for any reason, I’ll meet you back here when I escape custody, okay?

“Or, you know… if I get in any trouble, I guess.”

“How can you be so sure about this?” [why am I picturing him about to do something dumb]

☞ + my mom




   “Chuami,” comes the voice, “– ouin ryen ryc kuddah muhkan.”

It is a mellifluous chime that hangs in the air, for her back-facing daughter seems to stagger in place from the sound. Two palms, dainty and sunkissed, perch upon both her shoulders. It has been nearly two decades, twice the time her beloved has suffered, but she knows not a single day has passed without her vivid memory. Perhaps, if only for a moment, Yevon has bestowed unto her a chance – Yevon, of all things, for her, a sand-crawling heretic. Though even if time allowed, she would not bother to boggle herself with such affairs; what Pris knows is not religion, but Sanubia – her family, her Home, and her precious daughter.

The rigid air begins to dissolve, and it feels as if the very girl is about to pipe up. Rosy lips pucker by a fraction and punctuate her with a gentle shh, fingers from one hand threading through dark hair – the darkest hair that is certainly not hers. And it’s beautiful, just like both its owners. Petals intact on the stem she holds, the same fingers tuck her measly gift behind the youth’s ear.

   “I told you to find him. But it’s taken death for me to realize how pushy that was – after all, how could you refuse anything of your dying sudran? I just wanted you to know who you were. I hadn’t told anyone but you, and before I died, I needed to pass it on.” A beat of silence. “… But, Chuami, I never meant to say that your vydran defined who you were. I was worried for so long, you know? From what I’ve seen, though – it looks like you’ve known that all along. Sovereign Arms is… doing well, isn’t it?”

– A smile.

   “E’s bnuit uv oui.

Just as quickly as it had come, her voice is carried off by the wind – and with it, the faint perfume of desert lilies.

                                                           yht e muja oui.

☞ + my mom

ah how about fang/vanille from xiii?? (*゚∀゚*)


The ship is my: source of butthurt because of the amount of shippers who think it’s not real if there’s no sex ;_;

I consider this ship’s feelings:
Mutual | Mixed | Strange | Awkward | Platonic | Sibling-like?? | One-sided | They don’t really like each other | Cinnamon Rolls

I’d consider the relationship:
| Awkward | Abusive | Doesn’t work properly | They’d never get together

| Yes | They’d think about it

General Opinion: These two though… they’re my FFXIII Auron/Braska. Everyone either ships them hard or doesn’t ship them at all and meanwhile I’m like this is fine. I don’t buy into them being a couple, I think if they were “a thing” it would be a bit more obvious. They definitely have feelings for each other, but it hasn’t turned sexual, and as far as I care, it doesn’t need to. Fang is too focused on looking after Vanille and Vanille is too focused on not being a bother for them to be “official”. I love them, they’re disgusting, awful, lovely, 10/10.
“I’ll tear down the sky if it’ll save her!”
Shut up Fang. ;_;. ❤

ah how about fang/vanille from xiii?? (*゚∀゚*)


“It’s fine. Really.”, Braska told them both, looking back and forth between the two with haste as he waved his hands in a physical attempt to brush away their awkward humor. Despite the fact that he didn’t mind such unfortunate word choices, they wouldn’t have known. Thus, he felt the need to ease their worry. He laughed with them between his motions and noted how even their arguing was seamed with laughter. Like siblings. How charming. He smiled at the thought.

"Besides…”, he continued, a bit of laughter still in his voice.. “If I didn’t have a sense of humor about that, I don’t imagine coming back to Spira would have been nearly as rewarding as it has proved thus far.” He paused then, a smirk growing across his face. “But, yes… well, that’s one way to put it.” He snorted at his own comment.

An eye opener indeed… That was certainly the truth. But the struggles he had lived during his time nearby could not keep him away. In fact, they were at the heart of the reason for his visit. When the fayth had disappeared, things had changed. It was as if the whole of their power had been given back to the very nature of Spira. It had left farplane wild as opposed to the calm it had brought its residents before. Had he been sent he doubted he would have been able to leave, to detach himself from everything that the place seemed to urge one to become. But, he had consciously gone and so he had been able to consciously leave… and it took conscious effort to remain. Something always pulled him back, stretched him thin when he was alone. Revisiting the places… the memories that often threatened to slip away kept him sane. It kept him whole.

"I… well, I’m more looking for places, not people. It’s a bit… difficult to explain, you understand.”, he told the two of them, looking to Chuami more than her friend, Byron. He still smiled, but it was clear that he seemed displeased with his words. It had been Chuami that had asked and he felt the genuine curiosity from her. Thus, though he was likely sound crazy, he saw no reason to lie. He liked her. He’d decided.

"My apologies. I’m not making much sense, am I? You do have a point, though… And, believe it or not, I appreciate the compliment.”, he added, the last bit dripping with feigned sarcasm.

Chuami was still throwing scowling glances at her brother, but it didn’t escape her notice that their visitor seemed a little more at ease now than when he had entered. Or, perhaps that wasn’t right – he hadn’t seemed uneasy before, but he had been more formal. 

Probably expecting an actual shop or something. Poor creature.

Places, hmm…?” she repeated as she twisted a strand of hair around her finger, considering it. “No… no, I think I can kind of get it. Not to be too downbeat here, but I guess most of the people you knew aren’t here. The places are, though. I know how that one feels.”

“So, then,” Byron cut in, “You are not with your guardian?”

Chuami hissed. “Byron, we’re not talking about that.”

He gave her a questioning look, and she responded with a shake of her head. This only confused him further, and she eventually snatched her paintbrush from her desk and held it towards him as if it were a weapon. He smiled and though he didn’t speak, he seemed to back down from… whatever it was. Byron settled back against the wall. The smirk he now wore seemed to say “Go ahead, then. Don’t let me stop you.
Inwardly, he knew she was finding it harder even than he was not to ask about the summoner’s friend and guardian. It was really only a matter of time before she brought the topic up herself, and he was content to watch and wait in the meantime. 

“Anyway. Where were we. Yeah! You’re totally making sense! But… some people will still be around, right? Have they… have they reacted weirdly…? I mean, it’s not every day someone just poofs back into existence…?”


                                 ”no refunds.”

♔ independent rp blog for chuami (final fantasy x – will – )
(for the unfamiliar: chuami claims to be auron’s daughter)

♔ 6+ years on and off rp experience (though new to tumblr rp comm)

♔ all oc/au/fandom welcome!

♔ adaptable reply length (one line to novella welcome)

♔ muse is kind of a character…

♔ mun is friendly and often lurking

♔ to my knowledge, we’re the only chuami blog (so far!)

♔ guide ♔ bio ♔ ask ♔





Little legs swung happily in her lap, head tilting upwards
to look at her, an expression of what would look like a
joyful one, if well, he could give an expression.

                           ”Can you tell me a story, kupo?”

“Sure!” Chuami replied, resting a hand on the creature’s head. She still hadn’t figured out what it was, but she wasn’t sure that she minded anyway.
“What kinda stories do you like?”



❤ How long have you been RPing?

❥ How long have you been RPing this character?

유 Who was your first muse?

♋ What drew you to this muse?

☮ Is there anything you don’t like about playing this muse?

✌ What is the easiest aspect of playing this muse?

☏ What is the most challenging aspect of playing this muse?

☢ How many active muses do you have?

☠ Who is a muse you would want to play?

☤ What do you have in common with your muse?

☑ What are the biggest differences between you and your muse?

♚ Do you and your muse get along?

▲ Of the two of you, who is more mature, you or your muse?

♪ Are you comfortable playing your muse?

✈ Is it easier to write angst, fluff, or crack with your muse?

⌚ Is it easier for you to write as canon characters or OCs?