also sent by ryujinace and magicspacewhale

☼: Which tropes do you find overused/boring?

I had to look up the exact definition of the word “trope” because it seems to have expanded to mean “literally anything that happens in anything, ever”. We’re going with “a significant or recurring theme”.

I can’t really think of anything! I don’t think I’d want to go and say “x theme is lame” because it completely depends on writer and execution. I think I follow people who got gud a long time ago, so I never tend to witness anything that comes across as “been done before”.

I’m trying really hard, but just this once, I don’t think there’s anything I can think of to be salty about. Holy sh



Final Fantasy X: The Complete Transcript
Version 4.0 (beta) – Work in Progress

I should really wait until I’m finished to announce it, but I wanted to warn you: I did major brain surgery on the site tonight. The text should all be there (cross fingers). However, the links to the graphics have broken. Please bear with me. I HAVE A PLAN.

It should now be more mobile-friendly, cross-browser compatible, and accessible for screen readers. 

Okay, I think everything from the original script is now transferred across. Please tell me if you find anything broken. (I may need to beat those red links with a crowbar; they are part of the original theme which I have hacked within an inch of its code.) 

Yes, I need a new character gallery. That’s… about 190 character models. O.o


munday questions


Send me a symbol for a question to the mun:

◊: Do you binge-reply or prefer reply-queueing?
●: Which time of the day do you rp best?
☺: Do you prefer memes, or plots?
☻: Which genres do you find the easiest to play? (angst, fluff, smut, etc.)
☼: Which tropes do you find overused/boring?
♀: What is an AU you really want to play with your muse?
♂: Is there any kind of music you hear while writing? What kind of music?
♠: How many muses do you have?
♣: Can you play more than one muse at the same time, or do you divide your rp-time between your muses?
♥: Are you selective? If yes, what makes you selective?
♦: What can ‘kill’ your muse/ your inspiration?
♪: Name three things that are absolutely mandatory for yo, to be able to roleplay!
♫: Is there any kind of muse you cannot play?
♯:  Is there any kind of muse you would like to play, but don’t dare? Why?

munday questions

 The invitation to Xu’s retirement party dropped onto the doormat, and Braska didn’t understand the look of defeat on Chuami’s face until he found himself in the presence of her, Kai, and that slip of paper.
  Naturally, if Chuami was invited to it, Kai knew about it and was already working on her outfit. This time, though, he hadn’t left Braska out.
  Gaian formal clothing felt oddly restricting to him, after years of the Spiran equivalent. 

  “I’m sorry.” she whispered to him as they approached the quad. 

  Braska gave an embarrassed laugh and touched his fingers to an unfamiliar collar. “It’s alright. It is only one night, after all.”

  “If it makes you feel less awkward,” she continued, her voice still low, “You look fantastic.”

  He sighed and shook his head, still smiling. “You don’t have to try to make me feel better about it, you know.”

  Her eyes met his and she said nothing, but the mischievous smile she wore said she wasn’t. She went on ahead to find out where Xu was in this mess of people from the doorman, and that was the last he spoke to her for some time.

  He knew a handful of people here well enough to speak to and met others through them; before long, he was absorbed in conversation with a few of the medical students and their instructor. Part way through a sentence, he heard a familiar laugh and looked up to see Chuami sitting at the bar, throwing her tied-back hair off her shoulder before she replied to a young man who had been speaking to her. Kai had put her in a strange choice of dress, he thought; long sleeved, floor length black with a skirt slit high enough to make any semblance of modesty completely redundant. The top half of it was cut close and outlined her figure perfectly before it fell loose at her waist. She glanced off to the side as she spoke, caught Braska’s eye and smiled. She said something to the man in front of her, lightly hopped off her seat and moved toward Braska’s group. The instructor spotted her before she arrived.


  “Shang.” she smiled as she approached.

  “We haven’t seen you around here in a while! Let me introduce you; you already know Nida and Halley, my students. This is Braska, I think he’s the only other person crazy enough to come all the way from Spira for a party.”

  “Oh, we already–” Braska began with a laugh, but he was cut off.

  “Pleased to meet you.” Chuami said, turning to him with a hand held out.

  Later, they found themselves seated at one of the small glass tables outside. Tiny lights on strings hung in the trees reflected off their glasses and moonlight flashed off them as they were raised. Braska had lost track of how many times his had been refilled; Garden staff in blue uniforms weaved in and out of the tables, topping up any glass that wasn’t full without asking. They were trained this way in Gaia, so that they didn’t interrupt. It dulled his need to question Chuami, and actually, with everyone comfortably drunk, he didn’t feel nearly as self conscious as he had earlier. 
  Chuami was still deep in conversation with Halley, who was sat on the other side of Braska, forcing them to lean over the table slightly. Nida directed a question at him from his seat opposite, grinning at the two women as he did so as if to say girls, huh? Braska smiled back and excused himself to move around the table so he could answer Nida without a faceful of Chuami’s hair; and as he moved his chair back, he saw her do it. Chuami reached out as if to pick up her glass and knocked it off the table in time with his movement. It looked to all present like he had jolted the table, or her, and made her spill it. Her acting skills really were quite good.

  “Oh, I’m so sorry – Braska, was it? I’m so clumsy–”

  As she picked up the glass and tried to find something to mop up her spilled wine with, he inexplicably felt his eyes drawn to her arm. Kai had become an expert at making her attractive by covering her, rather than not, it seemed; the fact he and no one else knew that her skin was marked by a hundred tiny scars and beautiful underneath her dress was quite distracting. 

  “It’s alright– no harm done–”

  Nida reached over with a paper napkin and shook his head. “The dryers in the bathroom are your best bet. They’re–”

  “I’ll show him.” Chuami said, her hand raised and her face deeply upset. “It’s the least I can do.”

  She swept her purse off the table and neither of them spoke as she led him through the crowd. When they left sight of the table, she reached back and grabbed his hand.
  The bathroom she took him into was a polished marble sort of thing and someone had left their cellphone on the counter by one of the sinks, but Chuami hardly cared about any of this. She pulled him into the end stall and reached out to lock the door as he pinned her against the wall and kissed her. The chain strap of her purse hit the tiled floor and neither of them paid it any attention.

  “How long were you planning this, hmm?” he asked in a breathless whisper.

  Her dress had come off her shoulder and she gasped as his lips pressed against her exposed skin, her nails dragging against his back as she pulled him closer.

  “Can you blame me?” she laughed as he pulled her hair loose, “All I’ve been thinking about all night is how good that looks on you and how much better it would look on the floor.”

  His fingers found the zip at the back of her dress and pulled it down; she arched her back as he did it, pushing herself against him and making him decide to just forget about undressing her. She started pulling at the buttons on his clothes as their lips met again, hard and rushed, aware that someone might walk in any second. She managed to half undress him, but his patience ran out and he lifted her off the floor. Her heels scratched him as her legs wrapped around his waist. She laughed again, low and breathless.

  “I don’t usually do this with guys I just met, you know.”

  “I could point out a few people back there who would be disappointed,” he replied between kisses. Every man and a fair few women had been staring at her at some point. Her eyes were fixed on him, fluttering half-closed as she felt his hand on her leg, pushing her skirt away.

  “And yet h-here I… I… am–” 

  Her words trailed off into a soft moan that only made his need for her worse. 

All night, people had naturally assumed them strangers, and not one had realised that she was his from the start.

The combination of their completely unfamiliar surroundings and the whole night spent as if he didn’t know her, this woman who had lived with him for half a year, made him feel oddly outside of himself and freed him from any sense of embarrassment or hesitation. Between wine-soaked kisses that would leave their lips bruised, he thought that perhaps he’d feel differently in the morning. But for now, all that mattered was this, her leaning down to kiss him, her hands in his hair, their fevered breathing and heartbeats that were usually confined to their own bedroom.
  The detachment mixed with the drink did something to him; as he focused on how good she felt, on how he didn’t want to stop, he realised he had tuned out from her and had no idea how long they had been there. What she was saying seemed familiar somehow – hadn’t she said it a few minutes ago…? Didn’t she just…? Oh, she had, and he had missed it. But she was getting close again, and he noted with a distant amusement that her cursing was region specific, oh hyne, fuck, fuck, fuck, as her breath caught and he leaned in to kiss her, forcing her to moan into his mouth before he broke away from her just far enough to watch her come undone against the bathroom wall, his arm around her waist, holding her close and making her ride it out. The sight of her was enough to push him over the edge; he hadn’t even realised his free hand was tangled in her hair and she laughed as he unconsciously pulled

  Braska gently dropped her onto her feet and they stayed where they were for a few minutes, exchanging slow, exhausted kisses and laughing in the pauses in between. Neither of them wanted to come out and say it – I can’t believe that just happened – but they didn’t need to. Both of them found they felt delicate after that, and even more unsteady on their feet than before, and they weren’t quick about helping each other dress as a result. Whenever their eyes met, they laughed, and Chuami thought nothing could have charmed her more then than the slight blush in his face. 

  “Chu… I have to ask…”


  “Are we… in the male or female bathroom? I… I’m not sure how discreet to be in leaving.”

  “I have no idea.”

  After a moment’s pause, they laughed again and Braska shook his head. 

  “I’ll go first.” 

  Chuami caught up with him at the bar and ordered a drink before she said anything. He looked at her with an oddly sheepish expression.

  “Did you see…?”

  She waited for the barman to leave a glass in front of her, then threw the entire contents back at once.


  The cellphone by the sink. Apparently, at some point, someone had come back for it.




OutOfDolls:- That’s right, I’m doing a give away! Two weeks from today, this blog will be turning 4 years old. I wanted to do something special to thank my followers, and rather than do a follow forever type thing, I thought I would gift three lucky people.




I sadly didn’t have time to purchase anything else, so for one week, I will promote your blog using whatever promo banner you have made.


Okay, there are a few rules but nothing too complicated, I promise!

1) Must be following me. 

2) Must be willing to share address details. Don’t worry, this will all be done in private and your details will not be shared with anyone.

3) Reblogs and likes count, but try not to spam your followers, okay?

4) No give away blogs. I want to keep this fair, so if I find you are using a give away blog, your entry will be discounted.

The closing date for this give away will be Saturday 5th of September. Winners (using a random number generator) will be announced on the 6th of September, (the blogs 4th birthday) and will be contacted privately via ask, fanmail or submission and informed of their win personally. I’m sorry this post got long, but I wanted to be clear on a few things. if there is anything you would like to know in regards to this give away, please do not hesitate to contact me.~