☻☼ ♀ ♦ … sorry, I had a lot of curiosities, LOL.

☻: Which genres do you find the easiest to play? (angst, fluff, smut, etc.)

I overdo angst a LOT, so I guess I should say that. I levelled up the smut attribute by like 80SL today though. Out of those three, I’d say fluff comes out at the bottom purely because I haven’t done much of it 😀

♀: What is an AU you really want to play with your muse? 

The modern AU calls to me on a daily basis. I saw a meme yesterday that was like “send this symbol and I’ll write…” and one of the options was “our muses get caught having sex” and my first thought was “HAHAHA, SORRY TIDUS B )” like Chu/Seifer don’t even bother kicking him out tbh. There’s no courtesy “make yourself busy today okay nudge wink” it’s just if you’re there then tough shit Teedz. Buy earplugs.  

♦: What can ‘kill’ your muse/ your inspiration? 

Irl distraction. That’s about it, really, but I’ve had a LOT of it lately. I start a new job next week and I’m dealing with the aftermath of some ~people drama~ that feels a lot like trying to drag myself out of a swimming pool full of treacle. I said when I first made the blog that I’d never write me in Chu’s place; I meant I’d never write for her if I thought my own garbage might come out of her mouth. So that’s resulting in dead periods atm D: But I’m sorting myself out presently :DD

☻☼ ♀ ♦ … sorry, I had a lot of curiosities, LOL.

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