
Give me a character and I will answer:

Why I like them: Heeeeh… he can hit flying stuff? I’m not crazy about his character, he’s cool I guess.
Why I don’t: I don’t dislike him either, though. He could have used a bit more attention in the story outside of the Lulu/Chappu thing.
Favorite scene: Where you fight Seymour and use the Talk option. vv
Favorite line: “This can’t be happening!” and yet it is, and he still stands by Yuna, even though he’s the most strongly religious out of the team and the most fearful of disrupting the Temple.
Favorite outfit: 
OTP: Not Lulu. I know he always had a thing for her, but I can’t shake the feeling that she’s just replacing his brother with him. And her lines about him not being as awesome as Chappu was just come off as cruel to me. I can’t detect any actual chemistry there at all.
Brotp: Wakka/Tidus, or Rikku, I guess? They’re hilarious. 
Head Canon: I like to imagine he totally slipped off to go see the blitz results whenever he could, staying up late at Travel Agencies to watch replays of the games and trying not to get caught, cos Yuna would feel guilty for keeping him away from playing and he wouldn’t want that.
Unpopular opinion: Probably the one about Lulu!
A wish: That he could have had more individual development, as I said above. Everyone else gets a story about them, he doesn’t, he gets a side part in a story about his brother and his brother’s girlfriend.
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: Chappu coming back, Will style. D:
5 words to best describe them
My nickname for them


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