dusk crown || sieglinde & chuami


«Sun knight?», Sieglinde echoed, tilting her head in a thoughtful motion. «Mmh… oh, I’ve heard from other travelers that there is a indeed a fellow knight with a sun painted over his shield! He’s wandering through Lordran, just like us, right? … And, if I recall correctly, they also warned me to not mention the sun in his presence, if I value my ears… that is.»

She fell silent for a moment, looking at the young girl.

«I must confess I’m still not quite sure of what that means…»

Dark Sun? … So she was a Blade of the Darkmoon, just like Jarrod. The catarinian arched a brow; and she surely had a peculiar way of expressing herself, hadn’t she?

«Poisoning and robbing? Oh, dear me… those are indeed some interesting inclusions to the Code of Chivalry. I did not remember them. Alas, it seems I’m getting old…», she chuckled, mirth dancing in her irises. «However, I can still show you some edible plants and fruits you can easily find around here. But, I’m afraid you are the only one who can decide if it is a wise decision to trust me or not.»

The young knight searched for her gleaming eyes, patiently awaiting her verdict.

–– ☽☼☾

  Chuami couldn’t help laughing at the stranger’s words. Apparently, she didn’t know his name, but she knew the most important thing about him. Once she started laughing, it seemed hard to stop; possibly because she’d had so little reason to laugh lately. It had been… a while since she’d last left Anor Londo. She had almost forgotten how… bad it was, out here.

  She fanned herself, one hand still on her bow, trying not to laugh again at the knight’s line about getting old. She certainly didn’t sound old, though it was hard to tell with that onion on her head.

  The Darkmoon took a moment to consider the knight’s offer – purely for show. She had decided on her answer the second the girl had put forward the question.

  “Okay.” she nodded. “You don’t seem like an undercover Darkwraith. They have no sense of humour. I’m Chuami, Gwyndolin’s favourite hunter.”

  She gave a sweeping bow, then looked up, grinning, and winked at the knight through her hair. “Do I amaze you?”

dusk crown || sieglinde & chuami


“Cusa. Ed caasc lispancusa, mesedat eh avvaldejahacc.”

Of course she would run down anything else available, but to do it as bold as brass where any of the neighboring stalls could hear her? Gutsy. Or stupid. And her choice of weapon to toy with didn’t really give him much in the way of a clue which was more likely.

“Gloves,” he offered in way of an answer. He held up his, fraying a bit at the seams but honestly not likely to give up any time soon. No slots in them and materia didn’t react quite the same here as elsewhere, which meant, “I could use some plating. Leave a mark, so to speak.”

  Her eyebrow raised and her theme park persona dropped as soon as the first words left his mouth. He’s not one of hers, his hair and eyes are the wrong colour – not that that meant much, but something about him was out of place all the same. And yet, here he was, spouting her language like he was raised back Home.

  “Nice.” she replied, approvingly, still a little surprised, though. She started inside, speaking over her shoulder. “Come in, come in, let’s see what we can sort out for ya. I got a client, little blonde thing she is, likes her gloves clawed. Is that of any interest?”


“…Ah. Bathroom, like you needed to get made up or whatever… you know what, never mind.”

He takes the bottle and opener, yanks out the cork in a practiced motion, and takes a swig before heading back to his bedroom.

“Did you just say I need to get made up?” she called after him.

Her footsteps are unusually sharp as her heels hit the floor; she follows him and stands in the doorway with a glass in one hand, leaning on the doorframe.

  “Get fucked.” she grinned. “So, do you got a favourite bar? Am I overdone for whatever it is? Seaside towns, man, overdressed is only a sequin away.”

  Not that she’s wearing any of those; she’s made an unusually conservative dress choice, for her. All black lace, long sleeved and short skirted. Very short skirted, actually – the lowest sweep of the tattoo she usually hides is just visible on her thigh.

thunder plains; sovereign-chuami


They’ve been traveling for days now, shoopuf rides and airship travel, but it’s nearly impossible to get a ship through the Thunder Plains at this time of year, and so they do what’s necessary. 

They walk.

Xu tosses her bag on one of the narrow twin beds in the Agency’s rooms, checks her watch, and sighs. Timing is everything– it will be, for the rest of her life, and she digs into her bag for her phone and tablet, wrapped in its anti-static casing. 

“I can see why no one wants to come through here. It’s hell on technology.” 

  Chuami pulls her hair loose and throws herself onto the bed beside Xu’s, her arms spread. It’s been a while since she’s just walked somewhere like this, but Xu is right – it really is hell on technology. It’s hell on everything.

  “Not only the static.” she replied, “Outright lightning strikes happen a lot. You won’t find anyone brave enough to ferry you through here, nuh-uh. Not even the cockiest chocobo riders will try it. And the rain never stops, so if your machina’s not fucked by lightning, it’ll be fucked by water.”

  Peering over at Xu as she rummages through her bag, Chuami sighs.

  “Is there any coffee in that bag?”

thunder plains; sovereign-chuami


Jecht could tell she had sensed his discomfort. He didn’t know if that was a good thing or a bad thing, but he seriously doubted she could hurt him. Unless she had a gun and knew how to use it. Then he might have a problem. 

He waited until she had gone into the kitchen before peeking into the bedroom. All red flags he had raised were lowered once he saw that Braska’s staff was indeed there.

“So, when’s Braska gettin’ back?”

  Chuami took her time in the kitchen, listening for the sound of Jecht’s footsteps as he verified her claim. She couldn’t blame him, but… still… he could have snapped her wrist with too hard a glare.

  “I’m not sure.” she replied as she re-entered the other room. Setting a tray down on the table, she took up a tea cup and sighed. “He must be held up. A patient, most likely…”

  Pushing aside the concern that was creeping up on her, she flicked her hair off her shoulder and looked back to him.

  “So, hmm. In the meantime, you know… while he’s not here to listen in… be honest. What was he like, when you travelled with him?”

1 & 9!

1. of the fic you’ve written, which are you most proud of?

On here? This one. Which… I don’t know, but I spent a really long time on that right there and even crimson-legend, Archduke of Pain, was like “… ow”.
So. Proud.

9. a passage from a WIP

Look, I’m really sorry, but I only have one WIP so you’re gonna have to just deal with this because I don’t have any other options unless you want me to go off-blog and retrieve something totally RP irrelevant. 

“ … 

She rewarded him with a purr and a prolonged kiss that ended with her teeth gently grazing his lip. Leaning away, she flicked the switch on the lamp at their side; the room was plunged into darkness, save for the slanting moonlight from the window that reached just far enough to make the beads in Chuami’s hair flash in reflection. As her eyes adjusted to the dark, faster than his could, she noticed he was looking at her – not focused on her eyes, or just her face, but taking her in as though she might just vanish at any moment. A second later, she realised she’d been doing the same to him. Their eyes met. After a moment of hesitation, both of them laughed, nervously, almost apologetically, though neither of them could have said what for. Certainly neither of them would have apologised for wanting this. Chuami leaned close to whisper something, a question, in his ear, but found herself cut off by his lips pressed against her neck, his hand tangling in her hair; her breath caught, and by the time she found her voice, she couldn’t remember what it was she was going to say, and it didn’t matter.”

1 & 9!