“Friends can kiss” [innocent face : I ]



They’ve been dancing around it for a few minutes now, and he’s glad that she’s finally said something, because maybe he’s just this side of drunk, but kissing Chu? 

Immensely appealing. 

Just to see what it’s like. Satisfy his curiosity. 

He hooks a finger under her chin and bends in without waiting for further permission. 

He complies with her fingers tangling in his shirt, hauling him back down to her level, a smirk on his lips even as he meets hers again. 

Better than he was expecting. 

And it’s not like she’s a blushing flower– they’ve been swapping war stories for hours now. A hand tangles in her hair, and he tugs her head a little back, mouth shifting from her lips along her jaw, her throat. 

Subtlety? Fuck it. 

A gasp is pulled from her as his mouth meets her neck and she bites her lip to cut it off, because that might encourage him, and she’s trying to be cool, but that’s not going to last very long if he keeps–

Fuck it.

She manages to get her hands between them, on his shoulders, pushes him, and a moment later she’s sat astride his lap, teeth nipping his lip as she kisses him.

“Friends can kiss” [innocent face : I ]

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