


but no matter what he looks like, he isn't chappu!

FINAL FANTASY X scenes [ 02/∞ ]

Wow I’ve seen this scene like a hundred times and I never noticed Wakka putting his hands over his face at the end there until just now. (I guess I was always watching Lulu, haha.) That is a very articulate gesture.

We don’t get to hear the beginning of the conversation but he’d probably been thinking about this ever since he saw Tidus for the first time and couldn’t talk to anyone about it because everyone was worried about Yuna, and then busy celebrating her fledging as a summoner. So after the party’s over he finally gets a chance and goes to the one person who might understand hoping that maybe, just this once, she’ll hear him out.

And he plans out what he’s going to say and how he’s going to pitch this to her because he’s probably only going to get one chance, but she’s so hard for him to talk to and once she fixes him with that glare of hers he forgets how he was going to say it and messes it all up and she just shuts him down and storms off.

Because, on her end, it’s late, and she’s tired and impatient from spending the last day and a half constantly worrying about Yuna, and the emotional conflict of being happy for her but at the same time acutely aware that she has become a walking tragedy, and they are starting out on the pilgrimage tomorrow morning after she’s planned for months to make sure nothing goes wrong this time, and now Wakka’s bringing along some weirdo that they are for some reason responsible for as well. The last thing she wants to have a discussion about right now is her dead boyfriend and Wakka’s wild idea that the questionably-dressed taboo-breaking amnesiac he found in the ocean might somehow be him.


(And then it was presumably after this that Luzzu chose the wrong time to also talk to her about Chappu and got punched in the face.)

Yes, Wakka’s facepalm there is so sad. He’s trying. And it came out all wrong. The dynamic between them is very real. He was insensitive and trying not to be, and she’s pissed and has good reason to be, and yet they’re about the second most important people in the world to each other. (Or rather, Yuna is the most important person in Lulu’s world, and with Chappu gone I wouldn’t be surprised if Lulu is the most important person for Wakka, although blitzball comes first?) 

And yes, she must’ve decked Luzzu immediately before or after this. (I thought before, perhaps, because she’s conspicuously absent when Tidus is NOT STAYING AWAY FROM THE SUMMONER, but it could go either way. Either way, the last night before the pilgrimage was not a happy one for Lulu. At all.) 


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