

“That’s defeatist.” she replied gravely, “That’s how you end up looking like Vinzer Deling. Are you telling me you eat like shit and drink like that? Am I gonna have to play personal trainer to your ass? Cos I will.”

“I run six to ten miles a day and can bench press at least two of you. I don’t think you need to worry about that too much.” 

He was pretty sure that made up for the shitty diet and the beer consumption. 

She looks down at him again, all wide-eyed admiration.

“And I love that you can do that.”

She stares for a moment, then jumps down and dusts her hands off. 

“I don’t think that’s how it works, though.”

casually just… neck kisses. :l



“Chang, I have had three hours’ sleep. I’m dead on my feet. And if you think that means I’m gonna stop you, you’re wrong.“

Penny has been gone for days, a week and a half at this point, on a mission to the far end of the world and a month before she returns, at least, and frankly, Xu is surprised that this has taken this long– Chu’s been crashing in their bed every night, anyway. 

But it is strange, still, to know that she’s got her wife’s blessing to do this, to have someone respond to her touch with desire that isn’t Penny– it slows her down, just a little, as Xu brushes her lips across the line of Chuami’s jaw and catches her mouth in a kiss. 

If Chuami wants to stop, they can stop. But for now…? 

It’s almost a relief when Xu kisses her; how often has she wanted to do this, and not, because… this is someone else’s wife!? And yes, admittedly, there have been times in the past where this has not stopped her. But Penny is Chuami’s friend, and even though she was part of this arrangement, her not being here… was that wrong? How should she know? When has this kind of thing ever happened before?

Whatever. Xu knows Penny better than she does; she’d never do anything to hurt Penny. So Chuami kisses back, and waits for Xu to draw a line.

casually just… neck kisses. :l


Oh, great. Charming and completely incapable of food production. He was starting to like Chuami more and more. 

Seifer snorted. “I’ve got about fifteen more years before forty happens. I’ll kick the habit eventually.” If he lived that long. 

“That’s defeatist.” she replied gravely, “That’s how you end up looking like Vinzer Deling. Are you telling me you eat like shit and drink like that? Am I gonna have to play personal trainer to your ass? Cos I will.”

casually just… neck kisses. :l



“Chang, I have had three hours’ sleep. I’m dead on my feet. And if you think that means I’m gonna stop you, you’re wrong.“

She takes the hand in her hair as consent to continue what she’s doing, and Xu reaches to brush Chu’s hair back as she moves her mouth up, just along the other’s jaw. 

“You don’t have to do anything. Indulge me.” 

“If you insist.” she smiles, fingers gently twisting into Xu’s hair. 

She’s slightly detached, the lack of sleep making her eyelids heavy and her reactions slow. Maybe this is why it occurs to her only later that this is probably the first time they’ve been this intimate without Penny present.

casually just… neck kisses. :l

casually just… neck kisses. :l



“Chang, I have had three hours’ sleep. I’m dead on my feet. And if you think that means I’m gonna stop you, you’re wrong.“

“You can sleep later.” 

Because she has absolutely no interest in stopping, and nips at Chu’s throat gently. 

She can sleep much later.

“I don’t have an awful lot in me, you know…” she replies, making no move to stop Xu. In fact, her hand moves into Xu’s hair as if to keep her there.

casually just… neck kisses. :l

” Apart from being sexy, what do you do for a living? “




“This month? Construction.” 

He does, in fact, have many, because Dollet may be small but their food options are plentiful, shoved in a drawer that Chuami manages to bypass entirely until Seifer reaches out and opens it for her. 

Pizza and booze. Yeah, he could probably get used to having her around here. 

“So, where’re you hiding this bourbon?” 

Chuami takes the pile of menus, drops herself on the couch and looks up as if she’s only just heard him. 

“Hm? Oh!”

Leaning over the side of the couch, she grabs her bag and opens it. She wasn’t kidding. Whatever clothing she’s brought seems to be acting as padding for the bag’s real contents; unlabeled bottles of amber liquid that look disturbingly home made. She takes one out and holds it out to him.

“You call it in and I’ll pay? Just get me all the desserts.”

” Apart from being sexy, what do you do for a living? “