[ BurritOT3 ]

is this some kind of polygamous thing so chu can have the gun sometimes because that’s fine

send ‘ship !’ for the following

who throws things in a fight ? : Xu and Chu would both have the same breaking point where they start tossing the china but Penny has chill.
who goes to their parent’s house for a weekend when things get bad ? : Penny, she seems to have the best relationship with her folks. Chu would probably adopt them. I don’t know how Theo and Mama Penpen feel about arranged polygamy so maybe she’d have to pretend to be Penny’s surprisingly friendly… friend.
who wants to have children ? who doesn’t ? if both do, how do their goals differentiate ?  : Penny would; I don’t think Xu would be massively fussed, but she’d probably like to more than not; Chu never plans anything so she wouldn’t think about it until there was already a children.
who is more adverse to physical contact ? : Xu, I imagine she has times where she’s like DON’T TOUCH ME UNLESS U R COFFEE
who hates/dislikes their neighbors the most ? : I don’t think any of them would give half a toss about the neighbours, but Penny would probably get on with them best.
who hates/dislikes their significant other’s family ? : Xu would probably have an “I tolerate you” relationship with Chu’s brothers.
who is most likely to leave when things get rough ? : Chu, and she doesn’t walk, neither. 
who thinks their partner turned out a different person than they thought ? : Hmmm. None of them? They’re all involved in some shady ass shit but they all know about it.
who is more likely to cheat ? : I want to say none but it feels like cheating, so in this particular bizarre situation, Chu, because apparently she’s being particularly liberated lately. 
who is the more experienced ( sexually or otherwise ) ? : Xu, in all aspects of life.
who hates/dislikes their significant other’s friends ? : None of them stand out for this one, I think it’d be more like Xu and Penny’s friends not liking Chu lOL
who wants to go to social gatherings the most ? : Penny.
who is most likely to be dishonest ? : CHU.
who is more emotionally closed off ? how does this affect their partner ? : Xu – Penny would be cool with this because they’ve known each other for years, she’d know when Xu is and isn’t down to talk about it. Chu wouldn’t and she’d be wondering if she did something wrong(er than usual).
who is the dessert person ? : … Chuami…
who is more conservative ? : Xu.
who hates/dislikes oral sex ? : Going by Xu’s threads… nOT HER. XD Idk… none of them in particular?

[ BurritOT3 ]

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