❝     these people are my family.
                                  & if you hurt them in any way
                                                      —— i will kill you.     ❞

day fifteen

Is your character an early morning bird or a night owl?

Either, really – she gets up early if she hasn’t been out the night before. But if I had to pick one, I’d say night. She’s one of those people who spends all day doing nothing useful and then spends most of the night in a sudden unrelenting burst of productivity until she literally falls asleep with her face on her desk. She just isn’t in the zone, she doesn’t have any ideas or any inspiration until she shouldn’t have – and then she does. And as she would say, she’s an adult, and if adulthood doesn’t mean being able to stay up until four a.m with power tools, fuelled only by coffee and ice cream, then what does it mean?

day fifteen

day fourteen

How does your character react to temperature changes such as extreme heat and cold?

Poorly. She hates being cold. She’s not crazy about the heat either, but she has a high tolerance for it and you won’t see her complain about it anywhere on the mainland. Bikanel can get bad sometimes, but “kind of too hot” to her is like most people’s “sweet yevon, I’m melting, this is the end”.
Cold though, no, she doesn’t like cold, she will actively avoid it wherever possible. Cold is for ice flans and for storing desserts, not for humans.

day fourteen