Who are your OTPs for your favorite Final fantasy character?


HOOoooo boy you know, I never gave shipping any thought beyond YUNA/TIDUS FOREVER


My NOTP for them

I highly suspect Auron of being aromantic, so

almost anything

My BROTP for them

Jecht/Auron/Braska goodness gracious but the jecht spheres make me crack up. Every single one of them. Nothing wins me over like cheeky banter and while Jecht is full of cheeky banter, Auron is so very full of So Done With This Before it Started. And Braska is in the corner telling Auron to take a chill pill because he likes Jechts Drunken Tomfoolery. Its got a vague ashy kind of vibe I love them

My OTP for them


what needs to get done is Very Important and he’s got no time for romance. This dead man has got shit to do and it’s getting done. tbqh he’s got a history of turning down romance, Maester Keenok said he’d turned down an important person’s daughter’s hand to be a Guardian or monk or w/e, before Operation Mi’hen

My second choice pairing for them


My fluffy pairing for them

I love to see him being fathery and mentory with Tidus. Keeping that kid out of trouble is no easy task. And since YOU handed him the sword you’ve got to keep him from cutting his own leg off with that ridiculous overdrive he’s got.

My angsty pairing for them


It hurts so much to think about. Auron is dead, okay. He’s a lone soul with unfinished business. He’s got stuff to do and Yuna is that stuff. Yuna’s a frikken summoner, a Shepherd of Wayward Souls, and it’s her duty to Send dead people off to the Farplane for eternal happiness as a floaty pyrefly or w/es and she cares so deeply for Auron, she would be devistated to know that she’s causing Auron any sort of pain when she does her Sending routine (he looks like he’s in plenty of pain whenever she Sends, it’s awful) and if she knew she might never Send again around him, but he’s her guardian and he’s gonna be near her until the end of her Pilgrmage. What use is a Summoner who doesn’t Send? We can’t exactly wait around for Donna to wander by and do it.

My favorite poly ship for them



they are such a misfit bunch and I want more than the 80 hours of play thorugh and cut scenes I get from the game of them interacting and being stupidly over protective and goofy little nerds

and at the same, see BROTP

My weirdest pairing for them

All romantic pairings seem weird for him, to me. AroAuron for President of Spira 2k15

Who are your OTPs for your favorite Final fantasy character?

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