
“Heh, name’s Reno. And you are?” He took the slush from the counter and eyed it before he took a sip.


“Oh yeah, right, th’ story behind my tats. Hm, how ‘bout me givin’ ya hints and ya guess?” Reno let out a playful chuckle before he put his glass back on the counter. He then pulled down his goggles from his forehead to his eyes – covering them. A few seconds later though, he pushed them up to his forehead again – a grin adorning his face and a finger pointing at one of his tattoos.

“Hmm…” she leaned on the bar, playing with the straw in her glass and making an effort to look as serious as possible. “Hmm… is it… is it… a guide mark, so you know where to put your goggles when you’re drunk, so you don’t put ‘em over your nose?”

She couldn’t quite keep herself from laughing as she said it.

“Name’s Chuami.”

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