– “I wonder if some of the people I’ve befriended lately would still allow themselves to be called friends if they knew the half of what is necessary to keep Sovereign running?

Many assume that we live in an era of peace, that there is no underside to Spira. But with the fall of Sin, we lost our common enemy. We as a species will always seek to place blame for our misfortunes on others, and without a single target, conflicts found their perceived sources in innumerable petty disagreements. 

Spira, Ivalice, Gaia; no place I have ever set foot in is immune to the pull of profit, and there will always be men who fight the wealthiest corner, regardless of the cause they support in doing so.
My weapons do not kill people; those holding them do. This is our mantra, and the only way we can continue to see our art as just that, and not as a crime in itself.
We built an empire on others’ bloodlust, and a true counterbalance is one of equal weight.

I think of myself as lawful neutral and as such, I attach conditions to the use of my products that are intended to limit the negative effects they can have. Targets are ruled out, areas are declared safe zones. If those conditions are not met, the product will be repossessed; however, I cannot – will not – sell a used weapon at full price, so I will take the leftover debt in blood.

My only fear is that one day, I might come home having forgotten to clean the blood from under my nails, or a debtor file will fall out of my pocket, and some precious new acquaintance will ask questions that refuse to be left unanswered.
What would I tell them? How would I justify it? And would I insult someone I love by pretending there can be a justification, that I am not just as self serving as the people on the other side of the counter?”

– from Chuami’s journal.

After recent messages on the dash I’m here to perk everyone up and bring some cheer! Random love anon here to remind you that you are beautiful and wonderful! Enjoy what you do and share your joy! LOVE AND PEACE AND HUGS ALL AROUND! <3

//Aw, and there’s me thinking our tiny blog would fly under your radar, niceness anon. You are a gentlebeing and a saint. ❤

After recent messages on the dash I’m here to perk everyone up and bring some cheer! Random love anon here to remind you that you are beautiful and wonderful! Enjoy what you do and share your joy! LOVE AND PEACE AND HUGS ALL AROUND! <3





“They cannot handle our wisdom, Edea.”


“I wonder in which category I actually fall…”

“She would be my… grandma… maybe… Psh. As if Auron was born anyway, can you imagine him younger than, like, thirty? He wasn’t born. He just kind of happened.

"You’re all very attractive young ladies, by the way.”