✖ her feels about being unsent ~ontheflyleaves

Mun: … but imagine if you survived, like, a nuclear apocalypse or something. You could kinda just hang out and see how the world ends if you want, that’s cool.

Chu: I could put maybe 200gil in a savings account, come back in a century and be richer than Yevon. Ha! 

Mun: I would do that. I would be okay with the whole changing yourself thing as well. 

Chu: It’s not easy, it’s not like you snap your fingers and bam, new hair. I don’t do it on purpose, it’s like growing? Like… you change but it isn’t noticeable to you, you just wake up one morning like… I swear I didn’t look like this a year ago? I’m pretty sure I only look as old as Sash and Bee, they’re my markers for how old I should be.
And it does suck sometimes, too. I don’t mean to get all uncool, but… it’s gonna be pretty lonely when all my friends are dead. I’m lucky to know anyone else in similar positions, but they’re not averse to the Farplane the same way I am, so one of these days I’ll be left alone. [humourless chuckle] I’ll start stockpiling crosswords now, I guess.

✖ her feels about being unsent ~ontheflyleaves



“ i don’t know about the punching-in-the-mouth thing… ”

“Ah, Veanla, how lovely to see you. You really should give me some warning before you drop by. I’d bake something.

… You seriously don’t, though? I mean, I would have thought you of all people would know exactly what I meant. You know, you just know you’re gonna hug them too hard anyway so it’s not much of a leap.”


“Chu, you’re getting me tipsy, remember?” Penny said after a swig of the vodka (at least Chuami got the good stuff). “I kinda go up in volume after a drink or two. Besides, there are security cameras in here. Legal bullshit and all that.”

She sighs in resignation. “Fine, but I reserve the right to modify to ‘kill and then commit ritual suicide in shame and guilt’. Deal? I’ll even let you start.”

“Okay, alright, we’ll start with these twerps and then we’ll switch to cellphone.” Chuami took the phone out of her bag and tossed it in Penny’s general direction.

“I’ll start withhh… huuuummm…”

She stared out over the training centre, marvelling at how green it all was. 

“Oh, sorry, yeah – that one in the hat. That’s a nice gun he’s got, even if he does look like a cowpoke. I wouldn’t mind taking a look at that. Or the gun.”

Put a tarot card in my inbox and I’ll answer the question!

The Fool: What is the stupidest thing your muse has ever done?
The Empress: What would your muse name their children?
Judgement: Would your muse ever go back to their most recent ex-lover?
The World: What has been your muse’s greatest success?
The Sun: What was the happiest moment of your muse’s life?
Wheel of Fortune: Does your muse believe in luck?
The Hierophant: What is one rule or law your muse would never break?
Strength: Name a time when your muse had to be strong in the face of danger or trouble.
The Star: If your muse had one wish, what would it be?
The Magician: What would your muse draw if given paper and markers?
The Emperor: Name a time your muse has broken the rules.
Death: If your muse had to change something about themselves, what would they change?
The Chariot: If your muse ruled the world, what would they change first?
The High Priestess: What is the smartest thing your muse has ever done?
Temperance: Would your muse remain calm despite the worst circumstances?
The Lovers: At what age did your muse first fall in love?
The Hermit: If your muse were trapped alone on an island, name three things they’d have to have..
The Moon: Has your muse ever had something unexplained happen to them? If so, what?
Justice: What’s something your muse has been dying to admit or confess?
The Hanged Man: Name a bad habit your muse can’t give up.
The Devil: What was the worst relationship your muse has ever had?
The Tower: What event would trigger your muse’s breaking point?

Put a tarot card in my inbox and I’ll answer the question!

Not lyric perfect but workable. Further Solstice things. You may or may not catch Chuami singing this either to herself or for anyone who asks. Honestly, the best part is the voice cracking on the later verses. She’d do that. She’d also direct the songs of childhood verse at Auron to try to get him to join in, I imagine that wouldn’t happen though.
