
“Snow. Offices and the like. More snow. There’s a great coffee shop, though." 

A shrug, and Xu gestured for refills. It tasted like hell, but damned if it didn’t wake up all of her nerve endings. 

"Garden’s not strictly hired out in wartime. We handle a lot of various government negotiations, as well as contracts from private citizens. But we are also a school, you know.” The stock line, without the bloodshed behind it. Chuami didn’t need to know what Xu was going to be doing in Trabia, nor was she inclined to reveal that information, even if it was just intra-Garden meetings with T. Garden representatives. “Commander Grumpyass, though— that’s clever. I’ll have to remember that.” 

"Heh. Yeah, I met him once, probably made a passing comment about the size of his gunblade, I can’t remember. Whatever.”

Chuami glanced at her glass and blinked in surprise when she realised it had been refilled, then shrugged, stuck a straw in it and carried on talking, the straw poking out of the corner of her mouth.

“That all sounds real boring, I know that can’t be it, but I also know y’can’t be giving away trade secrets, so I’ll let it slide. When you say contracts from private citizens, though – that’s not high level classified, right? Come on. What’s the dumbest request you’ve ever had?”

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