Put a tarot card in my inbox and I’ll answer the question!

The Fool: What is the stupidest thing your muse has ever done?
The Empress: What would your muse name their children?
Judgement: Would your muse ever go back to their most recent ex-lover?
The World: What has been your muse’s greatest success?
The Sun: What was the happiest moment of your muse’s life?
Wheel of Fortune: Does your muse believe in luck?
The Hierophant: What is one rule or law your muse would never break?
Strength: Name a time when your muse had to be strong in the face of danger or trouble.
The Star: If your muse had one wish, what would it be?
The Magician: What would your muse draw if given paper and markers?
The Emperor: Name a time your muse has broken the rules.
Death: If your muse had to change something about themselves, what would they change?
The Chariot: If your muse ruled the world, what would they change first?
The High Priestess: What is the smartest thing your muse has ever done?
Temperance: Would your muse remain calm despite the worst circumstances?
The Lovers: At what age did your muse first fall in love?
The Hermit: If your muse were trapped alone on an island, name three things they’d have to have..
The Moon: Has your muse ever had something unexplained happen to them? If so, what?
Justice: What’s something your muse has been dying to admit or confess?
The Hanged Man: Name a bad habit your muse can’t give up.
The Devil: What was the worst relationship your muse has ever had?
The Tower: What event would trigger your muse’s breaking point?

Put a tarot card in my inbox and I’ll answer the question!


If you had one word to describe your muse, what would it be?
Name one major reason why your muse is like they are today.
What is a quote your muse could live by?
Does your muse make exceptions from their moral coding very often?
How strong IS your muse’s moral coding?
Does your muse want everyone else to follow their morals?
How does your muse like to sit?
What are three things your muse looks for in a friend?
What is the one question people most commonly ask your muse?
If your muse had one minute in which to live, what would they do?
What does your muse do when they’ve hurt someone else?
What does your muse do when they’ve killed someone else?
What does your muse do when they’ve lost someone else?
What was the last major event that triggered a change in your muse?
Does your muse trust easily?
Who are the most trustworthy people to your muse?
How does your muse demonstrate trust?
How does your muse hide mistrust?
What does your muse associate the colour pink with?
What does your muse associate the colour black with?
What does your muse associate the colour white with?
Would your muse ever kill someone?
Would your muse ever kill someone in self defense?
Would your muse ever kill someone in defense of another person?
How important does something have to be before your muse is willing to die for it?
What does your muse think of the human condition?
Sum up your muse’s story in six words.
Have your muse sum up their story in six words.


Justice [:D]

Justice: What’s something your muse has been dying to admit or confess?

“There’s a couple of things I keep internal. They’re one issue, really. I rehearse talking about them in my head almost constantly, but somehow, I imagine it would go really badly? And I have no desire to see that play out in real life. So… if you’re asking for something I’m dying to confess, which implies an inclination to do so, then there’s nothing. 

Honestly, at this point, I never will. Want to talk about it, I mean. Some things are better left unsaid, especially if they’d lose you really good friends. It will… pass.”

Justice [:D]


“Snow. Offices and the like. More snow. There’s a great coffee shop, though." 

A shrug, and Xu gestured for refills. It tasted like hell, but damned if it didn’t wake up all of her nerve endings. 

"Garden’s not strictly hired out in wartime. We handle a lot of various government negotiations, as well as contracts from private citizens. But we are also a school, you know.” The stock line, without the bloodshed behind it. Chuami didn’t need to know what Xu was going to be doing in Trabia, nor was she inclined to reveal that information, even if it was just intra-Garden meetings with T. Garden representatives. “Commander Grumpyass, though— that’s clever. I’ll have to remember that.” 

"Heh. Yeah, I met him once, probably made a passing comment about the size of his gunblade, I can’t remember. Whatever.”

Chuami glanced at her glass and blinked in surprise when she realised it had been refilled, then shrugged, stuck a straw in it and carried on talking, the straw poking out of the corner of her mouth.

“That all sounds real boring, I know that can’t be it, but I also know y’can’t be giving away trade secrets, so I’ll let it slide. When you say contracts from private citizens, though – that’s not high level classified, right? Come on. What’s the dumbest request you’ve ever had?”

The Hierophant

The Hierophant: What is one rule or law your muse would never break?

[faint smirking from chuami]

That’s tough, because she’s a lawless wildling with no regard for anyone’s rules but her own. 

She doesn’t break promises – that’s about it. If she gives her word on something, she won’t take it back or break it… but… all contracts have holes in them. Nothing as casual as the phrase “I promise” can be watertight, and she has been known to perform moral acrobatics to get out of one she couldn’t keep. 

She would only do this if there was a pressing reason to do so, though – she doesn’t tend to make promises casually in the first place, but if she does, you had better make sure your wording is absolutely foolproof, or that it is not within her capacity to go back on it.

The Hierophant